Aaron Ekblad #1

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You were upset, you were supposed to go visit your boyfriend Aaron this weekend, but your professor informed you that you would have a big test on Monday so you were going to be stuck on campus studying your ass off.

You pulled out your notebook and your textbook angrily, flipping open to the section you were currently studying and taking notes down.  

You were about half-way through the chapter when you heard a knock on the door, you didn't know who it could be, but you stood up and opened it anyway.

You were shocked when you saw Aaron standing on the other side. He opened his arms wide and you jumped into them, wrapping your arms around his neck as he kissed you.

"What are you doing here?!" You ask excitedly.

He laughs "I felt bad that you were stuck here so I thought I'd come surprise you. I can't stay long though, have a skate tomorrow morning and a game tomorrow night." 

You nod, knowing how busy his schedule is. "Okay." You close your textbook.  "Can we go get something to eat? I've been doing this for hours, my brain is fried and I'm starving." 

"Of course" He says, grabbing your bag and handing you your sneakers.

You pull them on and go to take your bag, but he holds it away from you.  

"I'm gonna carry it for you." He says, walking out the door.

You roll your eyes and follow him out to his car.


After dinner, you decide to go back to campus to watch a movie.

You fall onto your bed and Aaron snuggles in behind you as you flip on the movie.

About half-way through, you fall asleep and a little while later you eel Aaron getting out of bed, waking you up.

He kisses your forehead. "Go back to sleep baby. I need to get back home, it's almost 1. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? Try not to overwork your brain too much." 

You nod sleepily, curling up into your bed. "I love you" You say as you're falling back asleep.

He kisses your forehead again, whispering "I love you too" as he walks out, closing the door quietly behind him.

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