Mats Zuccarello #1

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Mats Zuccarello has been dating Y/N for 3 years. He wants to propose and has no idea how to.

Mats:(sees Carl Hagelin)"Hags!"

Carl:"What Zuccs?"

Mats:"I want to propose to Y/N, but it needs to be really special. I need your help"

Carl:"Well what does she like?"

Mats:"Hockey and Hunter Hayes."

Carl:"Why don't you see if you can do it during the game? As for Hunter Hayes, I think one of the WAGS in Pittsburgh is friends with him, you can ask her if she'll talk to him for you. Maybe get him to perform Y/N's favorite song of his during the game, then you can propose at the end of the song?"

Mats:"That's a good idea. Do you know what her name is?"

Carl:(shakes head)"I just know she's with..... Bennett? I think."

Mats:" The Penguins are in town this weekend. I'll ask Bennett about it I guess."

~that weekend, warm-ups~

Mats:(skates to center ice)"Crosby!"

Sid:(skates over)"Is there something you want Zuccarello?"

Mats:"I need to talk to the Bennett kid."

Sid:"You mean Beau? (Suspicious) Why?"

Mats:"I need his help with something."

Sid:(still suspicious)"Mhm. (Yells) Sunshine!"

Beau:(skates over)"Yeah Sid?"

Sid:"Zuccarello wants your help with something apparently."


Sid:(skates away and continues warm-up, keeping one eye on Beau at all times)

Beau:"So, uh, you want my help?"

Mats:(nods)" I want to propose to my girlfriend, she's a huge Hunter Hayes fan. I heard your girlfriend knows Hunter Hayes."

Beau:"Yeah, she does. They're good friends actually."

Mats:"Do you think she could ask him to perform at our game 2 weeks from now, on February 14th? That's our 3 year anniversary."

Beau:"I'll ask her."

Mats:"Thanks. I owe you, big time."

Beau:(shrugs) "It's not a big deal. I'll ask her after the game." (Skates away)

~the following weekend~

Mats:(phone rings)"Hello?"

Beau:"Hi. Look, she got ahold of Hunter and he said he'll do it."

Mats:"Really? That's great! What's his rate?"

Beau:"He said to consider it a favor. He doesn't want anything."

Mats:"Okay. Well thanks, I'll find a way to pay you back, I promise."

Beau:"Don't worry about it. (Hangs up)"

~February 14th, 2nd intermission~

Hunter:(comes out singing "Wanted" while a video of Mats and Y/N plays in the background, at the end of the video, a video of Mats comes up on screen)

Mats:(on screen)"Y/N, will you marry me?"

Y/N:(crying watching the video, feels someone tap you, you turn around and see Mats down on one knee holding the ring)"Yes I'll marry you!"

Mats:(stands up and presses his lips to yours as the entire arena cheers)"I love you."

Y/N:"(smiles) I love you too."

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