Beau Bennett #1

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One morning you’re cleaning the kitchen of your house you share with your boyfriend Beau while he’s at practice. You reach for something far back on the counter and accidently knock over your mail basket with its contents spilling out all over the floor. As you bend down to pick them up, you see a post card from Beau’s ex-girlfriend. When you flip it over and read the back your shocked that it’s a LOVE letter and in it she states “I can’t believe you contacted me after all these years.” Tears form in your eyes as you hear the door open.

Beau: “Babe? I’m home. (walks into the kitchen and notices your tear-stained cheeks) what’s wrong baby?”

Y/N: (you turn away from him and every time he tries to touch you, you pull further away) “Stay the fuck away from me!”

Beau: (confused, hurt) “What did I do baby? Is this because I forgot to take out the garbage? Or because I left the bread open? I’m sorry, I’ll remember from now on. I..”

Y/N: (You hold up your hand as a signal for him to stop talking) “No, this is because you contacted that WHORE after you swore to me she was out of your life for good!”

Beau: “No I didn’t”

Y/N: (Holds up letter) “THEN HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS?!”

Beau: (takes the letter, remembering he DID contact her) “I contacted her because her brother and her mom were in a car accident! I should have told you I contacted her and I’m sorry I didn’t alright?”

Y/N: “Car accident?”

Beau: “Yes babe, a car accident. Her mom died on impact and her brother was hooked up to a ventilator until last month when he died. Her dad left when they were kids. I didn’t contact her for her, I could care less if she knew. But her brother was a friend of mine and specifically asked me to tell her he loved her. She sent this back because she thought i meant “I” still loved her which isn’t the case”

Y/N: (looks at the letter) “Oh.”

Beau: “Yeah “oh” I can’t believe you thought I’d contact her to get back with her. “

Y/N:” I’m sorry. Maybe next time I should get all the facts before I go off on you.”

Beau:” it’s okay. I understand why you were mad. I love you”

Y/N:”I love you too”

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