The Radio Tower

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The Radio Tower

It was a normal run really. Just getting supplies, medication, food, anything we could find. Pickings have been horrible for years now, but these last few months we have moved further and further away from the colony. There pickings seem to be better. Canned food, medication, and anything we need. I have been out far but never this far and never alone.

My radio buzzes and I answer quickly. "Copy." I saw quickly and quietly. Jack's voice rings out and echoes off the walls.


"In the city, the tallest tower."

"Any luck?"

"Well there is a ton of tech here, we can fix our network problems finally. If we can drag this crap back to the colony or turn it on the tower. That would be the easiest part." The radio has been quiet for some years now and I wonder if it was stupid of me to climb up here. It took me all day to move and now the sun is setting and I think I am at least above 30 stories high. I wanted to reach the radio and satellite tower on top. We know the satellites are still working. We just need direct access, we would have it if the military didn't block everything off when the outbreak happened.

"Are you there?" I ask as a heavy sigh rings through.

"Yeah, but we can't regroup with you there. We are in the eastern suburbs and, well you are at least 40 miles away. Stay there for now. We will regroup soon. Normal spot."

"Got it."

"I wish you didn't go to that building, it's just an office building. We need items like food, clothes, weapons, not computers or radios."

"Jack I know, but we have heard what the travelers have said, other colonies connect with each other. Hell one helped the rest of the people trapped in space come down years ago. We need this."

"That was years ago when more of us existed and nothing was as decayed as it is now. We will meet at the normal spot." I don't say anything further, I know how he feels and why. But I can't let it go, I've tried. I look out at the pinks and oranges of the sunset and the greenery that has taken over the city. It's beautiful to see that nature has taken back over. I will have to climb down tomorrow, it's the safest way. I am sure the inside is riddled with zombies but I am lucky to be in a penthouse office. I broke the window so now a nice breeze is now coming in giving the room some life. Looking around the room and making sure the door is secured I see a balcony and I have an overview of a garden with a dirty pound two floors down. As I get to work blocking the door so that it's more secure, I think of everything I have seen in all the windows. Some of this was office space, but most of it was a radio tower and a whole network. That is all we are missing, a working tower. We have them back at base, but nothing we do makes them work and every other colony is watching old youtube videos and I am sure making more. We are cut off. We either do this or move to another base. But no, we stay... I stay and for what? For people not to listen to me? The same idiots that cut communications are running our colony. They care more about the old ways that fucked and isolated everyone than moving forward. The only reason why they survived was because they had guns and abandoned people. I hate it there and yet I stay. I guess I am an idiot too. Once the sun goes down, I turn on a lantern on a low setting so that I can see but not draw anyone near me... well any zombies. I lay my pack and sword on a chair and lay down on a couch in the office. Listening to the welps of the zombies can be damn right scary but after hearing it for years you get use to it. It's almost like terrifying birds talking to one another in screams and moans and whatever that third sound is. I only ever heard it once and it was cut short by a bullet in the head. Not before it killed my husband. He was stupid to attack it, I was stupid to make us stay in our home. We all were, but we were assured the military had everything under control. Maybe that is why I stay. Hoping he turned into a zombie and is living his best most fucked up mulated crazed life. Thinking that I'll see him one day. Would I be able to kill him? Maybe, but I know he will kill me. I have seen it and heard about it. Mothers kill babies, kids, and fathers doing the same. Grandmothers eating their precious crusty white dogs. I guess I stay because I am stupid and sympathetic and I am waiting for him to finish me off.. Or to see him one last time.

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