Going up

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In the middle of the night, I wake up to a cool breeze from the window and dress myself while making sure that I don't wake Bie. It feels so peaceful in the room with Bie and the breeze coming in that I relax for the first time and drift off in the dark and quietness of the room. In a few hours, we will reach the radio tower and I'm sure Bie can rip off the panel that has the controls inside. Then we will get the message out, the cure out.

I become aware of loud moans and banging all too close to be safe. I awake suddenly by the forceful movement of being shaken out of my deep sleep. My eyes snap open and my heart fills with adrenaline as my whole mind and body snap awake in one quick second. "Gwen, we need to leave," Bie says urgently. I sit up quickly as I watch Bie shimmy up his pants. I am lucky that I dressed myself sometime during the night because I grab my pack and look around.

Daylight is just streaming in through the city and into the windows, alighting the room for me to see. I glance over at the door and to my horror it's shaking, threatening to break open. There is a desk in front of it but I notice that that too is moving back and forth as the door is. Running over to the balcony I am greeted by the lower floor filled with zombies all moaning and reaching up as if they could somehow reach me.

I can't help but panic, Bie can't fight all these zombies, can he? We have nowhere to run, the only option is to jump thirty stores down. I somehow know Bie won't survive that, he would have jumped that one day and I will most definitely die on impact. As everything swirls in my mind an eerie ring sounds in my ear drowning out everything else. It is not until Bie shakes me again that I see him in front of me but I don't hear him, all I hear is the ringing.

Blinking slowly I notice he is shoving my suction cups at me. When I don't move fast enough he bends down and straps them on my knees. I look at the two in my hands and tears well up on my eyelashes. I can't even put these on. I have only one hand for the one suction cup and then– My thoughts are cut off as my hearing slowly comes back, but it is still mostly consumed by the ringing. Bie has duct tape and is ripping off a piece with his teeth. The ripping of it sounds in my ears with the ringing and it's then I notice that my one suction cup is on my hand.

I watch as if from a distance as Bie takes my other suction cup and then begins to tape it to my stub. Wrapping the duct tape around and around, then grabbing another piece and doing the same. Once he is happy that it is secured he pushes me toward the broken window. The ringing finally calms down in my ears. I listen in horror to moans and scratches just feet away from us and turning to look I see the door broken and the zombies falling over each other trying to get over the desk, while others have made it in and they are only arms reach behind us.

Everything is suddenly too loud and the ringing in my ears fades to the back. We are at the window and looking out at the height we are in would not normally make my heart drop but it does. My heart has fallen to the ground below while my body and mind scream at me thirty stories up. "Go!" Bie screams at me breaking through everything and making everything fade away but his voice.

"But I can't." I plead, tears dropping stories before I do.

"You must." He says harshly and then grips the side of the window and I can see every muscle in his body is holding something back... no, glancing behind him I see arms reaching behind him. "You can Gwen." Bie assures me in that velvety voice of his, "You will." Bie kisses me and then pushes me to the edge where he is gripping and I reach my hand out and stick onto the window and then my right and left knees, lastly, I suction on my nub. Bie smiles at me and then turns and screams that loud scream I had heard now for the third time in my life.

At first, I freeze but then I move, fear taking over my limbs. While I am moving away and up my suction cup on my stub seems to be working but still, I move slower than normal, making sure that all three are in place before moving that one. When I am out of reach I finally press my face to the hot glass to see inside. Bie is fighting zombies left and right and throwing them out the window. I see someone bite him and my heart plummets up back within my chest. I don't know if Bie will turn or not after he is bitten a second time. I– I just have to hope that he won't. I continue on my climb slowly and methodically, trying to void my mind of Bie and the zombies below me.

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