Tapped Again

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I am blacked out once again but somehow awake. I see my zombie on the other side of the room clean and now human looking. He only has white eyes and hair as I take in his form. I notice not only how tall he is but how round his shoulders are, how his arm slightly bulges with muscles. My eyes drift down to the deep V at his hips and I realize that he is naked, and I– I'm checking him out.

I roll over on the bed only to realize that I am on a bed, not a floor. My mind feels foggy but I blink a few times to clear away some of the fog. Glancing back I see the zombie is slipping on a pair of jeans. He is not elegant in his movements but I wouldn't call them movements of a zombie. I watch as he tries to put on a shirt and ends up tearing it in half. He lets it drop to the ground and grabs another one out of the closet.

He is changing clothes. Not only that he cleaned himself up. I squint trying to get a closer look and the black veins are still there. He is a zombie, I remind myself. I listen to him grunt and try for another shirt only for it to tear again and I laugh at the look of disappointment that flashes across his face. At the sound of my laughter he turns to me quickly, his eyes locking with my own.

His face still looks like one of disappointment and I keep laughing. This is a dream it has to be– I stop myself from laughing and realize the last time I thought that– it was not a dream then and this is not a dream now. I sit up slowly, my head pounding slightly from the movement and my hand comes up to touch it. No blood thankfully. I let out a sigh of relief and look at my zombie.

He remains shirtless with a ripped shirt in his hands watching me. His eyes are wide as he, I assume, takes me in. We stay like that with our eyes locked for sometime before he drops the ripped shirt he was trying to put on and stalks to me. I hold up my hands and close my eyes waiting for him to finally attack me, he just waited until I woke up to kill me so that I would be aware and present.

When I hear thud beside me and I don't dare move, I instead wait for him to attack but as the minutes go by he doesn't. He remains quiet and doesn't even whimper, that has me set on edge. I open my eyes slowly, keeping my hands up just in case I need to fight him off but he is kneeling beside the bed that I am in. Did I get in this bed? No, I realize, someone put me here.

I lock eyes with my zombie, he put me here. Without lowering my hands, still afraid he will lunge at me, I ask, "Did you put me here?" His head lifts up just a tad bit in response and my eyes widen. He responded, I am sure of it. My heart is in my throat still worried he will attack at any moment. "Are you mad at me?" I ask quietly.

He doesn't move or make a sound and I take it that as a yes, he is mad at me. I try to smile at him while keeping my hands up but my smile doesn't get a reaction so I go with talking since he can understand me, I think... I hope. "I'm sorry I ran away?" I say more as a question than an apology, hopefully this zombie can't tell how to disingquest voice inflections.

When he doesn't say anything nor does he move for a few minutes I try again, "I'm sorry I tried to kill you?" Still he doesn't move but it looks like his eyes are squinting at me just ever so slightly so I run with it. "So you are mad that I tried to kill you–" I say, lowering my hands slowly to show him I'm not a threat anymore. Because I can't help it, I glance behind him and I can see my sword still lodged in the room's door frame.

This quick glance doesn't go unnoticed and earns me a low growl from him. I roll my eyes and look at him, "look how was I to know you weren't you? What if you were another zombie? What if you got dumber and tried to eat me? What if YOU DO decide to eat me? I don't know anything nor if I can trust you. You saved my life. I get that but you are still a zombie."

His head swings slightly by his chin to the left and stays there. "Is that a maybe? A no?" I ask annoyed and he swings his head to the other side. Okay... "So you won't eat me?" I ask blankly and his head moves to face upward slightly. I hope that is a yes. "Why did you save me?" I ask, looking at his cleaner form. I have to admit that he is pretty attractive for a zombie all cleaned up.

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