A new beginning

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My face heats up and I know I want him and want to give everything to him. I want to give him my body, my soul, my very being. "I love you," I say finally for the first time to him. He presses me to the wall, the cold water streaming down our bodies and making my nipples peek. His broad, hard chest presses against mine and I can feel his heart racing against my own racing heart. Bie's mouth captures mine in a shearing kiss that makes my body heat up and the water feels refreshing as it's hitting my skin, rather than icy.

When our kiss breaks as we suck in air he grabs my legs and pulls me up. Wrapping my legs around him, my core is flushed with his hard length, making me moan. Then his hands come gently to my face and his eyes, even though still cloudy, peer into my heart. "I love you, Gwen." I want him now and forever but when I try to shift to move him closer to my core he stops me.

"Gwen, I remember, everything..." he pauses and swallows, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. "I–" he pauses again, eyes softening as he tenderly touches my cheek. "I was there on the day your Jacob died." I frown as confusion cycles through me.

"What?" I say, only finding those words as my body cools and I start to feel the coldness of the water hitting my skin.

"I was there, Gwen. I– I– was the one who killed him." The words lay heavily on my heart as confusion courses through me.

Frowning, I respond, "I was the one who killed him through."

"If I recall correctly you shot him, through me." The world drops away as that ringing noise comes into my ears, ringing truth and striking fear into my heart. I killed Jacob. I know I did because if I would have just locked him away he would have become...

"I thought you said you never eat or bite anyone."

He nods, "I have not and I did not touch your Jacob, but when we fell–"

"I killed him even though he had not changed into a zombie and I– I– fucking killed him for no fucking reason and ran." Anger at myself replaces the fear I was feeling. We were in no danger– "Why did you scream then?"

Bie hangs his head in shame and lets me down, turning to turn off the water. Goosebumps flutter across my skin as the air seeps over my damp skin. "I was new back then, just turned, but my–" he frowns and shakes his head, eyes softening even more. "My memories from my human life are all but gone, but somehow I have Jacob's memories. I remember you and your scent, your laughter, hell I even remember Thanksgiving."

My eyes bulge out of my head as I stare at him. "Then you are Jacob?" He is not the zombie who came for us. He shakes his head as a shiver runs through me. There are no towels here so Bie steps out of the tub and bending down he picks up my clothes, handing them to me. We dress quickly, both of us not saying anything and I sit heavily on the closed toilet, not caring how it looks.

Bie squats down in front of me and I follow his large body as he descends. "Gwen," he says gently. "I was that zombie you shot and when Jacob and I fell his blood must have seeped into me and somehow I merged with him. I know I am not him, well was not him before. I recall being out in the street running away from a hoard and being bitten. I was able to shake the zombie off but I changed and then the hunger hit. I–" he swallows, head hanging in shame. "I smelled you– and Jacob, but I didn't know who you were, all I knew was the painfulness of the hunger."

"Then I was at your door and it opened and he was there. I recall stumbling inside and grabbing him. Gwen, the hunger was so great, so all consuming I just couldn't stop myself. I was going after Jacob to devore him, but when you shot me with what I am guessing was a shotgun, it ripped through me and Jacob that we fell and what I think happened is that his blood seeped into me while I was healing and I think you are right."

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