As we continue our assent

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"I can carry you," Bie says and I nod to out of breath to speak. Bie lowers himself just a bit on the stairs. Because I am already above him, being picked up should be easier. But as Bie squats down with his arms opened wide I can't seem to find a way to lean forward and get into those arms. Before I can contemplate it sooner, Bie leans forward and envelopes me in his strong arms. Allowing my weight to move towards him I wrap my arm around his neck, the flashlight's beam moving behind him and then to the front again.

Bie wraps his arms around me, one hand coming to rest on my upper thigh. He squeezes my thigh lightly and my heart leaps within my throat with the intimate touch. I have only ever felt like this with Jacob and now with Bie. This is also one of my reasonings that Bie really is Jacob, he just doesn't remember it. As he shifts me to the side of him, like I am a toddler on her mother's hip, he doesn't withdraw the sword like I expect him to. He instead takes the stairs at two at a time. I am worried about the sweat dripping down my body and on my stub, soaking into his dry clothes but he doesn't seem to mind or even note on it.

I would be jusled if it was anyone else, but Bie holds me so steady that I barely move. We progress like this for a while before I hear moans echo in the stairwell. Moving my flashlight around to see where it came from I don't see anything in front of us. I sigh heavily with relief. It must be further up then. With that in mind, I ready myself for the upcoming zombies. I wonder if Bie will try to outrun them or just cut them down.

I get my answer soon enough when Bie moves a bit quicker up the stairs and it's then I think to shine the flashlight behind me. Illuminated is a stairwell of zombies as far as I can see. Dread licks up my skin and I break out into a cold sweat. Zombies have been following us. Bie doesn't stop, but instead picks up his pace even more, putting distance between us and them. We can't run like this forever, soon there will be– A few moans come from somewhere in front of us and I regrettably point my flashlight there to see more zombies ahead of us.

Bie shifts right all of a sudden making me grip him harder and bursts through a door, unfortunately, it can't be closed now and the zombies pour out after us. I am guessing my smell filled up the stairwell and even with Bie's presents, the meal was too tempting not to give up. I hold tight to Bie as he runs into whatever room we are in and close my eyes, squeezing them shut. Bie runs for a little bit, taking turns and jumping over items that I don't care to open my eyes to see.

Once the moans are now a good distance away, Bie slows down. There still are moans close by us echoing off the walls but they are not the hoard that is somewhere behind us still following no doubt. I have the courage to finally take my head out of Bie's neck and open my eyes, shining the flashlight ahead of us. A familiar dirty pond is greeting us with zombies stumbling about.

As we make our way closer to the pond I shine my light upwards to see an overhang. This... this is where Bie and I first meet. Out of all the rooms and all the floors we are here. This has to be a good sign that we will make it. Once we are by the pond, Bie grips me tighter and jumps. My heart slams against the back of my ribcage at the force of the moment it has on me is like riding a rollercoaster.

We land with a thud on the overhang in the same room as before. I take a look around and notice that the sun is setting, casting the room in a pink haze. Bie sets me down and I turn off the flashlight, handing it back to him. Walking towards the broken window I escaped from before I take in the view. I am once again greeted with warm air, with a vein of coolness blowing in. The overgrown city at this height will always be my favorite view. I sigh into the wind, letting it carry away. We made it this far, we can't stop now.

Turning around to ask Bie what the plan is, because for once I have none, I am shocked to see him sitting on the couch with his head resting on the back of it and his eyes closed. I guess that he is more tired than I had thought... Well, I thought he didn't really get tired, but I guess seeing him like this for the second time like this and the fact that I saw him asleep not only once but twice, I can only assume that he is becoming more human.

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