Back to the Tower

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After a day and night of resting and training at the house with the back yard we head back out towards the direction of the tower, we first met in. The sun is just cresting the horizon when we see our first zombie. I can't help but feel getty to see it. This will be the first zombie that I will get to cut down in what seems like months and I can finally test myself...prove myself that I can still fight in this post-apocalyptic world.

As we near the zombie it tries to stagger away. I have grown used to the zombies trying to run, well stagger away from me when Bie is around. He is a wild human and all wild humans were once zombies. My guess is that if they don't eat human flesh then they continue to change into something more and we just thought wild humans were just that, wild, crazy humans, that humans and zombies wanted nothing to do with.

Approaching the zombie from behind I am able to keep pace with it while staying out of sight. Bie doesn't say anything and gives me space to stalk my kill. Lifting my sword up with my one hand I continue stalking the zombie ignoring the ache in my arm and upper back from training and the weight of my sword. When the zombie stops suddenly I continue on. I know it must have caught a whiff of my scent because it begins to turn around. I don't allow it to though, before it even turns to the side I am swinging my sword.

It connects with the zombie's upper shoulder, lodging itself into it about three or four inches. Shit, I was aiming for the head. I try to dislodge my sword but my arm feels too weak and I keep pulling. The zombie's moan falls out of its mouth not even reacting to the pain it must feel. My sword finally loosens and pulls free from the zombie's shoulder just as I hear more zombie moans approaching. I can't help but wonder where Bie is when I see him walking around in front of me, behind the zombie I am facing, setting a premiere by just scaring off the other zombies who have come in response to this one's moan.

I focus on the zombie that I have in front of me and lift my sword as it takes a staggering step towards me. Holding the sword up higher I realize that the zombie is too tall for me to cut its head off at this angle. So lowering the sword I allow the zombie to approach me and just before it can lunge at me I give it a high kick in the chest and watch as it stumbles back and falls to the ground. Quickly I rush over to him and take my stand beside him. With a swing I bring my sword down to his neck just as he lifts up his head, successfully severing it from his body.

As I watch the black goop drain from his even deader body I can't help but feel proud. I am not useless after all. "Can you send another one?" I call out to Bie. He grabs a fleeing zombie close to him and pushes it towards me. Once the zombie is closer it catches my scent and shambles towards me, forgetting about the wild human behind it. This one is just as tall as the other one so I lower my sword and press towards it. When I am within swinging distance I swing my sword low, aiming at his knees.

My sword makes contact cutting into his upper thigh just above the knee it skins into the zombie's flesh about halfway through. I still can't seem to slice through them as I once did with two arms. However, the momentum of my strike causes the zombies to fall to the ground and I advance toward him quickly after pulling free my sword. Raising my sword once again I swing downwards at an angle making contact with the zombie's neck. The sword cuts through and I successfully sever the zombie's head from its body. I watch as it rolls on the ground and the rest of the zombie's body slumps to the ground.

Looking at Bie I call out, "another." He grabs two this time as I wait where I stand, just stepping to the right from the slain zombie laying headless on the ground. The two zombies stumble towards me, both of them bumping off each other every now and then as they approach me. I advance toward them moving my sword to swing at their legs, even though I know I will only most likely knock down one. Stepping forward, just within arms distance to them. I swing my sword low again hitting just above the knee.

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