Sneaking out

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Bie miraculously lands on his feet, leaving a cracked indention in the asphalt where his feet landed. My heart is beating out of my chest and every muscle in my body has locked up and aches from the impact reverberation. I slowly loosen my hold on Bie's shoulder and look up at him to see him looking down at me. His eyes are wide as he takes in my frightened face. We just jumped down seven stories and landed on our feet, well Bie's feet.

"You okay?" Bie asks, his eyes filling with worry. I nod, unable to find the strength to speak and he nods in return, stepping out of the small crater we made and taking off into a run that is all too fast for a human. As the wind whips by me it whips my hair in my face and I recall I left my hair tie on my wrist so I am being slapped in the face by slightly damp hair. As we further ourselves from the crater I hear voices in the distance but they are growing very faint as the moments pass by.

We only run for a few minutes before Bie starts to slow down until he has reached a walking pace and then stops completely in the middle of the road. Before I can ask what we are doing he gently sets me down on the ground, holding my shoulders for a moment to make sure I have my footing. Once he is satisfied that I will not fall he leans down and kisses the top of my head. Bending down he hooks two fingers in the holes to the sewer lid and takes it off, setting it beside the open pitch dark hole. I realize then that I didn't bring my lantern and in fact forgot it on the table at Jack's place.

I watch as Bie doesn't stop or even hesitate as he climbs down what must be a ladder inside. I watch as his large body disappears inside the black void just barely fitting. Bie stops when his body is a fourth of a way inveloped by the darkness below. He reaches out his hand, "come Gwen. I will keep you safe."

"Safe?" I squeak. "From what?"

I watch as his eyes somehow darken as he says, "everything." My heart races at that promise and I can't help but feel right going with him. Like I have always belonged with him. But still I hesitate, I don't know what could be in that darkness below and that's what scares me, but voices drift in on the night air making panic set my blood on fire. I will be quarantined for weeks if they catch me and drilled on what I was doing and why. Bie... Bie, I worry will be killed because of his eyes and the fact that no one has seen him and he definitely isn't registered with our colony.

Without another thought I grab Bie's hand and he guides me down between his body and the ladder. Light streams in just a bit from the street light alighting some of the ladder. Once I am in fully he reaches over and drags the lid making a loud metallic noise echoing into the hole making it seem louder. Once the lid is over the hole Bie's hands move down my body turning me around to face him. Then he grabs my thighs. I am too scared to make a sound so I follow his lead and wrap my legs around his waist. Then I wrap my only arm around his neck and lift my stub up to his ribcage as if I could grip it.

We stay there at the top of the ladder by the lid for a moment listening. Bie's hands tighten around me as I hear faint voices drift in moments later.

"I differently heard noises." A males voice drifts in.

"Yeah, scraping noises. Someone could be moving something."

"You think so? What in the world could make that noise?" The other asks. I don't hear an answer but when they speak next they sound further away. My heart calms down as Bie starts to move down the ladder deeper into the darkness. I can't see anything so I am completely reliant on him to guide me and keep me safe. I never thought of the sewers before and I would have thought they put gates up inside but I guess not.

Bie keeps me in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arm around his neck. As we reach the end of the ladder he still doesn't put me down and I am grateful. I listen to his easy breathing and feel his chest move up and down as he starts walking. And I listen to his footsteps wade through water as we descend further into the tunnel. It's quiet for a long time and neither of us break the silence. It feels like hours pass before I get up the nerve to speak.

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