But now I'm back

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As I stare in horror at the dark shadow between my legs they move and shift upward crawling up my body. My eyes catch a reflective glimpse of white and for a moment I think I am still dreaming but I know that I am not. He is here, Bie is really here! Before he can even make it up my body I wrap my arms around him bringing his head to my chest but I don't care. He is alive. I knew it, felt it.

I hear a low chuckle as his face presses against my breasts and shifts over to take a nipple in his mouth. I suck in a breath as he lightly sucks on it and pulls his hair slightly. "Bie?'' I ask into the darkness.

"Mmmm?" Comes his response vibrating my nipple sending delicious shivers down to my core.

I can't help but laugh at his response. Always the silent type. I laugh until tears form in my eyes and fall over my lashes. Bie has released my nipple and broke out of my hold and lays flush on top of my body. His hands come to either side of my face as his reflective eyes stare into mine. When he speaks it's fluid and velvety.

"My Gwen. Please don't cry. I am sorry." He says. Sorry? Sorry for what dying?

"Bie, I thought that I had left you all alone out there." I sob as Bie's left-hand slides down my neck, and shoulder and comes to rest at the end of my stub. He stays there for a moment not saying anything then suddenly the covers are being ripped from us. I watch the darkness of his head looks down and his eyes disappear for a moment and shame washes over me.

"I'm sorry," I croak as Bie bends down and kisses my stump for an arm.

"That human did this to you?" He asks in a low growl. I can't stop the sob that comes out of my mouth as I answer him.

"Yes," I say tearing up. I watch in the darkness as he gets ups and moves around and the next thing I know is that he is turning on a light. It fills the room illuminating it and allowing me full access to Bie. At first, I notice that he is in clean clothes. Then I notice how human he looks. He looks every bit like a blind human, but his eyes are slightly reflective just as they were in my dream. Well, that and his hair is still white. Maybe it has always been white even before the change.

He closes the short distance between us and envelopes me. I hug him back allowing myself to truly grieve for my lost arm for the first time. I know I told Jack I was okay, that it was okay, but it's not. None of it is. How he treats me like I am some prize to be won but then thrown aside for some other woman. Not even thrown aside, just shifted. Maybe if I was the only person in his eyes like... like it seems like I am with Bie. Then maybe, maybe I could be with him. But seeing this side of him is revolting. I know this is the apocalypse and beggars can't be choosers but I chose Bie.

I chose Bie over this colony, over everyone I have met here. I never fit in here anyways. I just didn't realize it until I got back just how much I feel trapped here until I met Bie. As I hug him I run my hands up and down his back looking for the wound that Jack inflected, but I don't feel anything, not even an indention.

"Bie, you're healed?" I ask in astonishment. In response, he leans back letting me go, and takes off his shirt. I can see no wound or even remnants of a healed wound. Nothing to remind me or him of what happened that day only my missing arm. Realization dawns on me that Bie got in and is here, in the colony. "How did you get in?" I ask him as he sits back down on the bed. I then realize I am naked and cover my body with a sheet. Bie helps by pulling the sheet up and I give him a thankful smile.

"I came in underground."

"Underground?" I echo confused. He nods and says nothing else. Giving him an exasperated look I ask, "Well how? Did you dig your way or something?" He shakes his head no and reaches for my stump grazing it lighting sending a shiver up my remaining arm and down my spine.

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