You again

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I awaken with a jolt as I hear something and then an accompanying growl. My eye slowly adjusts to the darkness in the room but I quickly realize I forgot a light last night and to check the room, so it's pitch black. I freeze on the couch, my pack and sword are somewhere on the ground near me but I can't see. I hear shuffling sounds come closer and closer and I panic and freeze (not a good combination). I can't see anything.

When a rotten smell hits my nose I fight a gag. Last night was not a dream. NOT A DREAM. I realize with startling clarity. Slowly I reach down and feel for anything really, but my hand graces nothing but dirty old carpet. My heart races in my chest but I don't stop feeling around for anything to grab until I touch what feels like a boot. No, no, no, no. This can not be happening.

I pause waiting for the zombie to attack me but it doesn't it only...whimpers. I don't know what to do was last night a dream or not, how come I didn't see the zombie in the morning when I woke up so where the fuck is the zombie coming from? I hear the cracking of bones and the whimpering get closer and closer to me. I don't dare move, if this is the same zombie from last night I don't want to dare move and anger it again.

Suddenly the whimpering is right in front of my face and I suck in a quiet breath, holding my gag from the rotten smell emanating from the zombie. I listen to the zombie for what feels like hours and my eyes are stained from trying to see into the dark. Finally, dawn starts to lighten the sky and the room making it a little easier to see and as I stare into the darkness I realize the darkness is starting back. No, not the darkness the white eyes of the zombie comes into view and I lurch back making the zombie growl peeling its ugly black lips away from its teeth showcasing his caines.

It doesn't lunge toward me but simply keeps staring and goes back to whimpering. What the fuck is wrong with this zombie? I shake the thought from my head and tell myself to just be grateful that this zombie is clearly fucked up. Lucky me. I can't help but think that the zombie is wanting to eat my pussy again and that's why it is whimpering like a sad dog. I don't dare undress. The last thing I want is for his dirty dry tongue on my most sensitive parts, so I stay still.

The zombie doesn't move for hours and I know I need to get down to the spot but I am afraid to move. I can finally see my pack on the other side of the room next to the window. I still have my suction cups on, I was too tired and filled with disappointment to take them off last night. When the zombie does move it's to walk around the room growling. I take that time to sit up slowly, not drawing any attention to myself and ready myself to run for my pack.

Before I can lunge in that direction the zombie is walking towards my pack, well the broken window, and stares out. So I freeze staring at him... it. I don't understand why he isn't attacking me or even trying to eat me. While his back is turned to me I slowly get up slowly heading in his direction but I plan to push him out. I am sure a zombie will die falling from thirty stories in the air. As soon as I am within touching distance of the zombie he turns around. I lunge forward trying to push him out the window but he doesn't move. Damn, he is like solid rock.

The zombie growls a deep menacing growl and grabs me by my soldiers. It's now that I realize just how strong this zombie is, stronger than any human man I have met. He doesn't bite me or throw me to the ground, only leans forward locking his milky white eyes with my own and growls. "Okay, okay." I say "I'm sorry." I don't know if the zombie understands me because he doesn't stop for several minutes and the whole time my heart races in my throat. When he finally lets me go he watches me and I slink down to my pack.

I can hear my stomach growl and hunger is taking over what survival skills I think I have with this thing. So I reach for my pack where my sword just so happens to be. The zombie watches me growling louder and louder the closer that I get to my pack. When I reach it I purposely ignore my sword and unzip the pouch where my food is. I have jerky for one maybe two days if I can stretch it. I sigh heavily and open the bag, taking out a piece and eating it.

Looking out of the corner of my eye I see the zombie crunched down watching me and no longer growling. That is something at least. I try to ignore him, it, while I eat but he is just staring at me like he can see me. "What?" I snap, looking at it. It whimpers in response, and I hold out a piece of jerky to it. When it doesn't move to take it I toss it to him. It hits the floor in front of him but he doesn't take his eyes off me. Great, now I could have possibly lost a piece of jerky thanks to my stupidness.

We stay like that until my ass begins to fall asleep and I stand up ignoring the zombie's growl. I stretch and head back over to the couch noticing that that zombie is following me. When I sit on the couch he again crouches and begins to whimper again. I roll my eyes at him and sit back. I have no idea how I am going to escape.

As always, somehow I fall asleep and when I awake the zombie has its head between my legs. Thankfully my pants are still on but still, it's jarring. It's dark again so I can't see but I don't move. The zombie isn't doing anything other than... smelling and inhaling my pussy through my pants. God bless pants. He whimpers every now and then making the silence break and sending goosebumps along my skin.

I can picture his milky dead eyes staring at me even now in the darkness. We stay like this for a while and then it hits me, zombies can smell that's how they must find us, or is it just this strange zombie here? I know they smell blood but what if they can smell more? If zombies can smell more than blood then I have to tell Jack and everyone at the base. Not that it will change anything but I feel like that knowledge would help someone.

This zombie here seems strange, not like other zombies but other zombies could be like him. Maybe he is a wild human turned? I want to scream in frustration but I don't. I still have this terrifying zombie between my legs. Somehow I drift back to sleep and when I awake it's morning.

The zombie is nowhere to be found and I take that time to look around and down the two-story lege to the garden below. Did the zombie jump up here? Oh no, can they do that now? With my heart racing, I don't want to find out so I grab my pack and run towards the window, and BOOM. Turning around I see that the zombie is back and my suspicion is confirmed. He can jump or climb. Dread drips down my spine at the realization and I worry for my colony, even though they are a pain they are still people.

Turning around I smile at the zombie, because what else do I do and drop my pack taking out the last of my jerky. He watches me and I can't help but notice that he– it, I remind myself, looks different. I don't know what or how but he looks a bit different. Oh no, is this a new zombie? Once the zombie starts to whimper again I almost sigh with relief, it seems to be the same zombie. At least I hope.

The zombie slowly approaches me and I smile at it with relief, when I realize what I am doing I drop my smile. I have nothing to smile about. This zombie is some type of super zombie and it has me trapped here thirty stories high, not to mention I just ran out of food. I need a plan and food. The next time the zombie leaves I need to scale down the building. It hits me that the zombie seems to only leave when I am asleep so I just have to pretend. This zombie seems too smart.

When nightfall hits I will have to stay up. I can do this. I walk back over to the couch and sigh as the zombie changes its course and follows me. Once it reaches me again it crouches down and counties whimpering. This whimpering is getting annoying but I am bored so I feel the need to talk to it.

"Can you stop that?" I ask, leaving all the annoyance in my voice. The whimpering doesn't stop. This is going to be a long night.

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