Bie's Past?

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My heart hammers in my chest from Bie's omission. Jacob use to sharpen this sword, he was the one that taught me how too. I want to ask if he is Jacob again but I'm too scared that he will say no so I ask instead, "What else do you remember... What did you mean that you remembered me?" I set the sharpening stone down, forgotten about in lue of this conversation.

I watch as Bie frowns walking over to me and sitting on the floor cross-legged in front of me. "I remember your voice, your smile, your smell." I redden. "Your scent, like the smell of your hair, your skin..." he trails off deep in thought and I can't keep it contained anymore.

"Do you think you can remember anything about when you were human? Like your name?" He shakes his head in a no.

"Can you tell me what you do remember?" His eyes lock with mine sending a shiver down my spine because before he even says it I know what he is going to say.

"Just you... and now this." He gestures to the sword and forgotten sharpening stone in my lap.

I can't hold it back anymore, "Do you think you could be my Jacob?"

"My name could have been Jacob..." He says frowning and I realize I never told him about him...

"Jacob was my husband and that's whose sword this is." I look down and my now clean sword and sigh not wanting to say what I need to say. "I killed him... I–" My eyes water at the memory and I have never spoken the words out loud until now. "I killed him. Shot him in the chest." I admit with tears in my eyes.

Bie's hand raises and touches the middle of his chest staying there for a moment. "You think I could be Jacob?" I nod unable to say anything else. We stay silent for a while staring at each other, hope blooming between us. "I like Bie, it's Bie who knows you..."

"Jacob knows me as well."

"I can not remember."

"But what if you do?"

"Then I do," Bie says matter of factly. "I think I will always remain Bie." I don't know how to feel about this. I love Jacob and knowing Bie might be him makes my heart soar, however, I also like Bie. He is not like Jacob, but in some aspects he is.

I can't help but be desperate and grab at the straws I see. "What if you remember everything? Then what?" He shrugs but looks deep in thought, his eyebrows knitted together and his milky white eyes somehow distant. I don't ask more questions for a while, while Bie and I think.

I really do think this is Jacob, he not only looks like him but remembers me, his love could have – "Wait you said you never ate anyone and if I turn, then I might? Do you think that's why you never turned?"

"I believe so," he says simply. So I can't help but wonder if it was his love for me that made him not eat people but instead search me out. Shame washes over me at how quickly I left that house and him within it. Once Jacob was gone I wanted nothing to do with it and just left. If I would have stayed I would have seen Jacob change and his love for me would have kept him from eating me. But I left him all alone.

"I am sorry." I blurt out without meaning to. Bie looks up at me with a confused look on his face. "Sorry for leaving you alone."

"You are fine my Gwen. You have been alone even when you were surrounded by humans." I nod at that. "But I worry I will isolate you. You need other humans. If not for the connection you always talk about." He is right in the quest for connection and to connect everyone I have isolated myself... Well, I found Bie and left the colony, left my friends. I have lived in that colony for years and I just left it to be with Bie.

Looking at him I don't regret my decision and I can always go back or to another colony with Bie. Somewhere were doctors and people other than the military running it. If a colony can get people down from space, then we can do more, be more. But our colony... my colony doesn't. They never cared about the growth of medication or a cure or even other people. I only got in because it was just forming, now... now they don't seem to let anyone in.

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