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It's nightfall when I jolt awake from loud banging coming from deeper within the house. I blink the blurriness of sleep away and realize that I have fallen asleep. I look around the room to see vague shadows that look like I'm in the living room on the couch. Bie is on the floor sleeping and my heart races recalling the last time I woke him up. Wait, was Bie awakened yesterday on the roof? Was he once again in zombie mode?

A shiver runs down my spine at the thought and memory. As I get up I do so slowly and quietly, not wanting to chance him waking up. But as another loud sound rings through the house I listen and think its sounds like it's coming from the bathroom. My mind jumps to the worst possible scenarios. Zombies can now climb and Jack is dead or one of them... well it's the same thing. I stop in the hallway at that thought. Are they really, truly dead?

A grunt and thud come from the bathroom and I mentaly kick myself for not grabbing my sword though it would be hard to wield one handed. Ducking into a room I quietly close it and wince at the soft creaking noise it makes. Leaving nothing but a crack to see the darkness on the other side as I pier out.

At first I hear quiet footsteps, a wild human perhaps or a zombie in the middle of change like Bie? I wait until the shadow comes into view but don't move. I am defenseless and broken so what can I do? I watch through the crack as the shadow moves further down the hallway towards Bie. Bie! Oh no, I left him asleep with this mystery creature lurking inside. I strain to listen as the footsteps dissipate.

When I hear a thud and growl along with what sounds like a very human "oh fuck." I bolt out the door weaponless and broken but ready to defend Bie. I see two shadowy figures on the ground and grab my lantern. Lighting it I frown as I take in the scene in front of me. Bie has Jack pinned to the ground snarling at him with a growl so deep that I feel like I can feel it vibrating my own chest.
"Bie!" I yell and he immediately stops growling and snaps his head to me. His eyes dart around me for a moment as if looking for something and then goes back to Jack growling again. "Bie!" I yell again, "Thats Jack", panic filling my voice. What if he is in zombie mode again?

I don't get to think too much more before Bie responds, "I know." He says somehow in a growl.

"Then stop it." I say exasperated. Jack looks scared, his eyes wide filled with panic as he takes me in. I can't imagine what he is thinking. Bie stops his growling after a defeated grunt and gets off Jack and walks to me. "Jack– are you okay?" I ask tentatively.

I ignore Bie coming to stand beside me, slumping his shoulders and I don't dare turn my head to look at him because I know he is staring at me, making the tips of my ears heat up. Jack gets up by rolling over and pushing off the ground. His face is strained with annoyance or anger, I can't tell in this low light. "This wild human is dangerous." He says ignoring Bie and the growl that comes from his lips. "He attacked me." He says flatly, widening his stance, as if preparing to either launch an attack or stand his ground.

Looking up at Bie finally with shock on my face I'm sure, I look at him and ask, "well did you?" like I am a mother asking a child.

"He touched me." I sigh heavily, pinching my nose.

I glance quickly at Jack and then back to Bie, "So you just can't attack people for touching you." He sucks in his cheeks and says nothing as a response. As I stare into his clouded eyes his eyes soften and he stops biting his teeth. My heart also softens and I know where this is going. Where I want it to go... When did things change between us? When had I changed towards him?

I quickly look away hoping that the redness that I feel creeping up on my cheeks will not be seen in this low light, and look at Jack. "Are you okay Jack?" I ask again.

His eyes flicker between us for a moment before he answers, straightening his shirt, "Yeah. Though this wild human acts more like a zombie–" he walks to me and ignores Bie. "That's why we don't go near them Gwen, we don't know what they are capable of. I– I'm just glad that you are safe. Has he hurt you?" He asks and I can't help but be reminded of what Jack saw on the roof that day. Bie eating me out. My face flushes as I recall him thinking my moans of pleasure were moans of pain.

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