Always escaping

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I am falling through the air for much longer than I should. This is how I die. This was always going to be how I died, I just even knew it. My life with Jacob flashes before my eyes. Us just doing mundane things like grocery shopping, and fighting about the water bill being so high. Us deciding that we should not leave and thinking it would be safer to stay put. When we first meet...

I was getting frozen pizza from the store and he just followed me around like a lost puppy. "Hi!?"

I turn and look at him up and down, wondering why a man is talking to me and dreading it. But he is cute, with black hair, hazel eyes, and rounded shoulders, so I allow it. My heart beats a little faster at the sight of him and I give him a small smile, "hi", I respond with. He smiles back down at me and then turns to the frozen pizzas that we are standing in front of.

"I see you have good taste." He adds, glancing at me.

"Well how would you know, I have not picked out a pizza yet." I point out and start looking for one that I want tonight.

"Well, any pizza is a good pizza."

I turn to him with an eyebrow up, "I don't think you tried that one." I say pointing at the cheapest most cardboardy pizza in the lineup.

"Let's try it together then." He says so simply, shooting a dazzling smile at me. My heart skips a beat at the sight and then I see Bie in the background. Peering over Jacob's shoulder my eyes focus on Bie looking lost as if he is looking for someone. I want to yell out that I'm right here, but I have Jacob right here too. I don't know if I can choose between them. I love them both and I can't let Jacob go. I just can't.

Tears well up in my eyes and Jacob's hand reached out to cradle my face. "It's okay," he says and I know he is saying much more in those two simple words.

"I'm sorry," I say reaching for him and hugging him one last time. He feels warm in my embrace and I don't want to let him go but I do and look up into his hazel eyes one last time. He bends down and kisses me, his voice just a whisper.

"Go live your life Gwen."

I feel pain scream throughout my body and open my eyes. I am greeted by the afternoon sun shining right into my eyes balls and I close them again. I move my body around and it aches but mostly that's it, nothing else hurts. Sitting up and cracking my eyes open I look down at my body to see nothing poking out or missing or even bent at an odd angle. With a relieved sigh, I look around and notice I am on a roof.

Rolling over I groan as I get up on my unease legs. They feel like jelly. I see the building I was on before and realize that I made it. Oh my god! I freaking made it! A smile breaks out across my face and then I notice that I only just made it by a foot, but who cares! I made it! Who the fuck jumps off two buildings and makes it. This bitch right here.

Instinctively I look around for Bie but he isn't here... still. I am alone.... Sighing I adjust my pack on my back and look down at the zombies below. Still too many for me to go down that way so I walk to the opposite side and bam! Just two zombies are in the alley below. But how do I get down? There on the side of the building, I see a ladder that looks like it's seen better days and it's about a floor up off the ground so I would drop down a good couple of feet. If I can jump off a building this will be easy.

Checking the road I see some zombies wandering around but nothing that I can't outrun. With nothing holding me here and with the urgency to move I head over to the ladder and hesitate. I should wait for Bie, but he has found me twice before, he will find me again... if he is alive. A defeated sigh escapes my lips as I swing my leg over and begin to work my way down. The ladder bars are hot against my hand and nub making me wince with every touch. Without the adrenalin pushing me I feel everything more fully than I did with the tower's ladder.

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