We have Arrived

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The next morning I wake up feeling sore all over. I am used to this feeling but it has been a while and it seems that my body has forgotten the feeling but my mind has not. So pushing myself awake and sitting up, Bie's arm falls down onto my lap. I smile at the sight and turn towards him only to freeze. Bie is asleep. I have not seen him sleep since that day when he scared me so badly that I hid under the bed for a full day.

My breath becomes shaky as my heart trembles within my chest. Not taking my eyes off his somehow cute and terrifying sleeping face I slowly grab his arm that is still draped over my waist. As I close my finger around his forearm firmly, but as lightly as I can I feel the warmth of it seeping into my skin making me think for a brief moment that everything might be okay. However, the memory of that day is too strong.

I steady myself and take the weight of his arm in mine, moving it slowly towards him. I am lucky that he doesn't stir so once I have the arm closer to him I lower it and lay it gently on the bed in the little space that is between us. I wait a moment, with my hand still hovering just above him expecting him to wake but he doesn't. Letting out a breath I most definitely knew I was holding I pull my arm back and begin to slowly shift my weight forward on the bed.

The bed shifts under my weight and I hear and groan beside me. My body quickly stiffens as my head slowly turns towards him. He has a slight frown creased on his forehead making me want to reach over and smooth it out for him, but I know better. I remember very distinctly how the eyes were no longer his eyes and the way he looked at me and lunged towards me.

I shudder at the memory again and mentally kick myself because seemingly that small movement makes Bie stir more. I watch as he shifts more, while I remain utterly still, too scared to move myself when his eyes begin to open almost as if in slow motion. I suck in a breath, my body tensing, readying myself for me to run, but I don't even though I know that I should. I stay there staring at Bie with my heart beating frantically within my aching chest.

When his eyes finally fully open after what seems like forever and the cloudiness of them still resides but they slide to me as his head turns towards me. Once his eyes lock with mine I can't help but feel like they are his and not the hidden creature that I had seen before staring at me. I want to relax at the sight but I keep my body rigid. He blinks at me as the crease on his forehead dissipates while he sits up.

I realize that he must have slept other nights too but I didn't know because he woke up before me. I force myself to relax and say "good morning", with a smile touching my lips. Bie returns the smile making my heavy heart sore and flutters within my chest. I let out a sigh of relief and flop my upper half back down on the bed. Bie leans over and looks at me with a quizzical expression that makes me laugh.

"I was worried because you fell asleep again and worried that you would go... full zombie again," I admit. His lips are thin as he nods understanding my worry.

"I am sorry Gwen." He says looking every bit as sorry as he sounds with his shoulders slumped and his eyes down casted. It pains my heart to see him like this and I can't help but lean over and hug him to chase some of his sadness away and show him that I trust him. After all, he quickly came to scenes when he was in zombie mode for that short time and he has kept me safe all this time.

We busy ourselves getting ready for the day. Today we will reach the tower. Just the thought of it makes me nervous and excited all at once. Soon people will know there is a cure out there. If someone is bitten we just have to make sure they don't eat anyone and bam! We will have a superhuman on our hands... The problem is that it seems to take a while for them to become human, or maybe they need human interaction to come back to humanity?

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