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I pretend to sleep for hours and hours before I hear the zombie leaves. I am so scared to open my eyes and see it, so I just lay there for a few minutes listening. The only sound I heard was a thud when my zombie left and the other zombies below moaning and shuffling. It's night time now and it will be hard to see but this will be the only time I have to get away. Getting up slowly so as to not make a sound I head over to the side of the building where the ladder is.

Looking down I see one maybe two zombies there, okay. I walk over the edge where my sword is and see a few there too. Maybe 10 or so, but it's hard to see. Taking a deep breath I find my resolve. I really hope no zombies are in the building. I will have this one and only chance to climb down and run to my sword. Then I will have to run as fast as I can to the colony. I will of course have to take breaks as rest, the tip will be a few days at least.

Okay, I look down and grip my pack straps. I can do this. Swinging a leg over the edge of the building I find the first rail and then I grip the edge and swing my other leg over. I move down as quickly as possible and hope the dried blood doesn't attract any zombies. Once I am midway down I look down to locate the two zombies I saw earlier. They haven't moved toward me which is good and I climb the rest of the way down. With a thub I am on the ground.

My heart is racing in my throat as I run towards the entrance of the ally. When I break into the opening some zombies see me and start towards me but I don't stop until I am jumping over the circle of dead ones that surround my sword. Picking it up I run down the street slashing a zombie in half as it comes before me. It's dark and I can hardly see but I don't let that stop me. Once I am sure I have run a mile or two down the road I climb up on an awning and rest.

Not many zombies were out and I was thankful. I only had to kill a dozen or so. I drink some water I packed in my canteen and look out into the darkness. I hear a zombie stumbling around down below me somewhere but I am not looking for that zombie. I am on the lookout for my zombie, and I am scared that he will find me and end me for running away. That or turn me into his zombie girlfriend. I shudder at the thought.

When I awake it's morning. I didn't mean to dozen off but here I am, kinda well rested and ready to move forward. I take in my surroundings and when I only see two zombies below me I jump down and kill them. They both fall quickly and I begin my run again. Running in the day time is more preferable to night. The nights I can't see anything and now I can avoid zombies just by out running them. I am about to stop and rest when I hear a good awful sound.

The scream comes in deep and guttural, sending shivers down my spine and to every nerve ending I possess. The same scream I heard when Jacob was killed by that zombie years ago. The sound comes from far behind me and I somehow know that that is him, my zombie. He has returned to see that I have left. I push myself to run further and further away from that sound to my colony and pray he isn't following my scent. Fuck, he most likely is.

I am out on the outskirts of town and jump into a ditch. I am lucky there is some standing water in it so I use the mud to cover my body. I wipe it on my pack and sword just in case and finger comb it through my hair, finishing off with my face. The hot sun now feels good on my sun kissed skin, who am I kidding, my sun burnt skin. Even now the sun is starting to set and I have run the whole day.

I start to run again, wanting to get as far away from my scent as possible and when darkness envelops me I climb on top of a house roof and rest. My adrenaline filled run disappears as soon as I reach the top and I collapse in exhaustion. I am about a day out I think from my colony. I hope and I pray that I am not leading that zombie to them. Maybe I should make a deture to make sure. That being decided I fall asleep and wake up in the early hours of the morning the mud now dried cakes on my skin.

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