Just a Dream

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After what feels like a few hours of just laying there and listening to these dumb ass zombies I still can't sleep. I have been alone more than I can track on pickings like this so this is nothing new. I just keep thinking of my Jacob that I lost, my husband. A tear slides down my face as I recall us just being lazy at the house. Him playing a video game and me pointing out where to go or how much he sucked. Even though I couldn't play we made a good team. He would move faster through the game and we would just kill hours like that. I miss it and him. I miss my old boring stupid life.

I need to sleep and not think. I peel off my pants and pull my dress up. Swinging one leg over the back of the couch I let my other hang off the other end. I have done this a millions times to go to sleep so this is nothing new to me. I can be done and asleep within five minutes. Licking my fingers I move them straight to my clit and begin to move in fast circles. No need to stretch it out, just need it to be done. As I move I think of Jacob and how we would move with each other. How he would wake me in up in the mornings with his lips on my clit and I cum.

I let out a tight lipped moan as my release shutters through me and paint as I come down. After a moment I move my hand and begin to close my legs only to touch something between my thighs. It feels human, and I hope it is. I pray it is. Zombies can't get in here, I tell myself. Peeling my eyes open I see a shadowed figure crouched between my legs, seemingly staring at my... pussy.

I am stupid, really stupid not only did I not hear him, it? I didn't feel him. He has one knee on the couch supporting him and one hand braced on the back of the couch, trapping my lower half. Please be human. I don't dare say anything or move. I just stay still when he lowers his head but I don't feel a breath on my thighs. Please, please, pleeease be human. Turning my head I look at my pack and sword on the chair, out of reach.


A tear falls down my face and I catch a whiff of him, of it. The smell is rotten and moldy, the smell of a zombie. As another tear falls down my face as I realize that it will eat my pussy, literally. If I move it will bite me and then I will be a zombie. I can at least kill myself before I turn and I don't have to live through me being eaten.

Taking a deep breath I find my resolve. I will rush for my sword and kill it, if I am bitten I will kill myself. Simple. Suddenly what I assume is a dry tongue moves through my lips. What. The. Fuck? Is it tasting me before it eats me? I don't dare move, worried it will bite at any moment. But if I plan to kill myself does it matter? Is this just a wild human? They are crazy as hell. I even have seen zombies avoid them. Another lick slides throw my folds and I know if must be a wild human or maybe just a weird one. Who cares, they are being creepy. "Hey, I don't think I know you." I say shakily when the shadow between my legs doesn't respond and only licks my pussy more I try and wiggle away only to be growled at.

That makes me freeze, and they go back to licking my pussy. I can feel my release from earlier drying up and this guy between my legs isn't doing it for me so I am not getting any wetter. I can not tell if that was a zombie or human growl. Okay so I will have to kill it human or not, this is not cool. Even in the apocalypse. Bracing myself to move I feel its togue begin to lower to my entrance and then dart in and out like it's trying to get every taste of my release. Fucking weird.

I don't think this time but thrash my legs in an attempt to free myself. It doesn't like this because the growl that escapes from its lips echoes in the room as it grabs my thighs thrusting them open and keeping them in place. Tears begin to slip down my face more frequently as I keep moving, keep fighting. I reach for its head in between my legs it's shrouded in shadow and grand its hair. Pulling its head up I lock eyes with it. It's a fucking zombie, his milky white eyes stare back at me lifeless. Its mouth is glistening from me and its lips are pulled back to show sharp canines and black lips and gums. I want to gag.

As it continues to keep my thighs pinned open he raises and I can see a hole in its chest the size of my fist. Not a human, defiantly not a human. It stares at me for a moment longer before returning to licking my pussy. Do I just lay here? What the fuck do I do?

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