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Jack cusses walking to the back of the car and grabbing something from the trunk. Next I hear water hitting the ground and then he is back in front of me again with clean shoes. "Here," he says, handing me the rest of the water in the bottle and a rag to clean myself up with. Reaching a shaking hand out I take them and try and clean myself off but all I can think about is me being pregnant. I mean I could not be, but I could also be...pregnant!

I think of Bie's face when he saw the kids in the free colony that I was stolen from and my heart melts. Bie would want this baby and would most likely be happy that I am pregnant. I Get up and sit back on the cars seat, not caring about the filth on my shoes. Jack looks at me with annoyance but I don't care. I have never wanted a baby but now that I could possibly have one... I think I want one. It will be hard raising the baby in this time and keeping them safe but that colony had done it. Why can't I?

Jack's voice pulls me from my thoughts, "we will rest here." I finally look around to see a store in front of us and more stores around us, but no houses. I can't help but look at him confused. Does he mean for us to stay on the roof? I have been spoiled by Bie with staying inside houses, out of the elements and even though I didn't have him for a few days I don't want to go back to the way things were when I was on hot roofs.

Jack holds his hand out to me a good distance away from my throw up on the ground between us and I stand up and walk towards him making it a point not to take it. He kidnapped me after all and I will try and play good captive until he falls asleep and I can make my escape. Jack notices my lack of contact with him and balls up his fit, thinning his lips in displeasure at the same time but he doesn't say anything. He instead turns around and starts walking to one of the store's alleyways. We find a ladder and make our way up. Jack goes first and I follow after him. Though I do think about bolting I don't. He would catch up to me in no time.

I reach the top of the building and pull myself over while Jack lays down. I never noticed how much of an ass he was. Damn if he wanted me he could try more. Could have helped me up or clean up or hell anything! I let my annoyance and anger bubble up to the surface. I really didn't know this man after all the time we have spent together. He never showed me his true colors until recently and I don't like them or him. I am now fond of the color white and just thinking that makes me feel sad. Jack of course doesn't notice my mood and lays down on the roof throwing an arm over his eyes.

"Come here Gwen." He beacons but I remain still.

"I'll keep the first look out." I say, hoping he will trust me enough to fall asleep. But he doesn't. He raises to a sitting position and looks at me squarely in the eyes.

"No, I will. You lay down." He demands his voice harsh and demanding. Hesitating, I pause thinking of something to retort with but he stands up and pulls me over. I allow him to take me and push me down to the roof. "Lay down." He says trying to be gentle but it comes out annoyed instead. Laying down I pretend to be tired and close my eyes. I feel something on my lips and recoil from it. It's Jack's lips I realize as my eyes fly open a smile spreads across his face. He doesn't say anything and turns around and begins walking around the primitor of the roof.

I watch him until the sun goes down and the stars come out and until the darkness of sleep claims me.

I awake with a start to the sun cresting over the towers and roofs and to two men fighting. Bie is on the ground with Jack on top with a knife to his throat. I blanch and get up running towards them with my heart jumping to my throat and nausea sweeping through me. Throwing myself on Jack's back I latch onto him with my hand and using my weight I throw him off Bie to the side. Well, that is how it was suppose to go. But when I jump on his back we both fall down onto Bie.

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