"Why Me, Steve?"

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Robin groaned as her alarm sounded. The morning sun glaring through her curtains, blinding the half asleep girl. Today was Saturday, meaning she had work. She glanced at her clock seeing she had half an hour to get organised before Steve came round to pick her up.

"Shit, shit, shit," Robin muttered as she tumbled out of bed.

She threw on her Scoops Ahoy uniform along with her beat up converse. Making a mad dash to the bathroom, Robin tamed her wild bed hair and brushed her teeth just in time to hear a honk from outside. Robin rinsed her mouth out and made her way to the front door, not bothering to see if her mother was awake.

Robin grinned at her best friend as she buckled herself in the passenger seat.

"Morning Steve," she greeted.

"Morning Robin," Steve replied.

Steve quickly glanced in the rear view mirror, checking his hair which earned him an eye roll from Robin. Steve saw it and poked his tongue out at Robin before switching on the radio. The two didn't talk much, just sung along with the song on the radio, Steve tapping his finger on the wheel.

It wasn't long until Steve pulled into the Hawkins mall car park, finding his spot and fixing his hair before getting out. Robin gave Steve another eye roll with a smile on her face before getting out of the car and following close behind Steve as they walked through the empty mall.

Steve switched the closed sign around so it said open and Robin made her way behind the counter. The first part of the morning was rather slow, most people were asleep on Saturday morning.

Robin chatted idly with Steve about the most random things hoping the time would go by quicker. Somehow the two had gotten onto the topic of girls, in particular Vickie. Once Robin started talking about Vickie her face lit up and she couldn't shut up. Steve gave her one of his classic smiles and nodded along without saying a word. That was until the girl in topic walked in, hand in hand with her boyfriend Dan. Robin's smile faded and Steve turned his gaze towards the door.

"I've got this one," Steve muttered, placing a hand on Robin's shoulder.

She sighed and gave him a nod. Her sad eyes staring holes into the floor.

"Ahoy guys! Didn't see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavour with me? I'll be your captain, I'm Steve Harrington!" Steve practically yelled as he greeted the two.

Robin couldn't help but smile at the idiot, he was doing his best to cheer her up and she appreciated it. Robin tried to fade into the wall as Dan ordered from Steve. But no luck, Vickie wandered over and started talking to Robin.

"Hey, Robin! Almost didn't see you there," The red head gave the other girl a wide grin.

"H-hey," Robin stuttered.

"You know, I never knew you worked here, we've been in band together for so long and I never knew, how funny!" Vickie scratched her head.

Robin cast a worried look towards, Vickie. "Y-yeah, th-that's funny al-right."

"Well see you," Vickie smiled again before following her boyfriend out of the shop.

Once out of sight, Robin groaned and smacked her head on the counter.

"Woah, Robin! You okay?" Steve exclaimed.

"Just fine," she lied.

"Well clearly you aren't, it's Vickie isn't it?" Steve asked as if that wasn't obvious enough.

"Yes Steve it's Vickie." Robin sighed loudly.

The shop was empty again meaning Robin was able to talk freely.

"I just don't understand. Why me, Steve? Why did it have to be me of all people to fall in love with girls? Why can't I just be normal? It would be so much easier if Vickie was a guy, then I wouldn't be considered a freak and would actually have a chance with her!" Robin threw her hands in the air before putting her face in them in defeat.

Steve gave Robin a sympathetic smile, this wasn't the first time his best friend had ranted about wanting to be normal. Robin looked up at Steve and saw a flicker of something in his eyes. She didn't quite understand what it meant but she brushed it off. Robin wasn't the most affectionate person but she was close to Steve and trusted him so she face planted herself into his chest. Steve wrapped an arm around her and patted her back.

"You'll find somebody Robin, I know it doesn't seem like it now but there'll be an amazing girl that swoops into your life unexpectedly. Maybe it will be Vickie if she ever dumps her ass of a boyfriend, maybe somebody better. Steve comforted Robin.

"B-better then Vickie?" Robin hesitated.

"Maybe Robin."

Robin was about to respond when she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Steve! Robin!" Dustin's voice called out.

"Henderson!" Steve let go of Robin and leapt over the counter.

Robin flicked her eyes up and noticed Eddie was trailing behind Dustin, she gave him a small wave. While people openly called Eddie a freak, Robin felt like one so she didn't mind Eddie "The Freak" Munson.

"Henderson what are you doing here?" Steve noticed Eddie and hesitated, "with Eddie-"

"Mike's having a games night and sleepover tonight, wanna come?" Dustin offered. "Robin too?"

Robin glanced at Steve, games night with a bunch of kids, at the Wheeler's? The name made Robin cringe for some reason.

"Uhhh," Steve made eye contact with Robin seeing if she wanted to go.

"Look Steve, you're not going to be hanging out with a bunch of kids! I've grown up mind you plus Eddie will be there too!" Dustin pleaded.

"Alright, alright Henderson. You win we'll go!" Steve raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Be there by 8!" Dustin grinned as he pulled Eddie out of the store.

"What was that?" Robin hissed.

"Hey! You could use a distraction, plus they're not all that bad. I'm sure max will be going, probably El so you won't be the only girl." Steve explained.

Robin had to admit, Steve had his ways.

"Alright, thanks Steve." Robin gave him a small smile.

Before they knew it, it was close time. Steve drove Robin home and gave her a quick smile.

"I'll pick you up at 7:45 alright? You better be ready by then!" Steve said.

"Yeah yeah, see you in a few hours," Robin waved Steve off and went inside.

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