"That Feel Like A Mistake?"

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"You just rest ok? You need anything you let me know," Robin gave Nancy a small smile.

Nancy didn't say anything, just grasped onto Robin's hand. The taller girl felt her cheeks warming up and she looked away so Nancy couldn't see her pink dusted cheeks.

"R-Robin?" Nancy's voice seemed to have a bit of emotion as she said Robin's name.

"Yeah?" The taller girl looked down, into her blue eyes.

"Um-" Nancy gulped.

Robin knelt down to get closer to Nancy's level, "What is it? I promise I won't mind."

Robin's smile reassured Nancy so she continued. "Is-is it ok if you lay with me?"

Her stomach churned, her chest ached and butterflies swam around inside her. Robin swallowed down her nerves and nodded. Nancy moved across Robin's bed and rested her head on one of the pillows. Robin crawled under the covers to join Nancy. The two girls faced each other, their noses inches apart. Both of them took in every detail of the other's face. Nancy's eyes scanned Robin's freckles, they seemed like stars in the sky. Random but beautiful. Robin stared deep in Nancy's sad blue eyes. Her heart ached for Nancy and she wished there was more she could do. She wanted to say something to reassure Nancy but didn't know if she should bring it back up. She had stopped crying after all, and had started to speak again. Robin didn't want to undo that. Nancy shuffled closer to Robin and buried her face in her chest like she had done earlier.

"Uh Nance?" Robin accidently using the nickname again. This time Nancy didn't flinch at it.

"I'm just tired, is this ok?" Nancy mumbled into Robin's chest.

"Y-yeah," Robin prayed that Nancy wouldn't hear her racing heart.

Nancy pulled Robin in for a hug and closed her eyes, letting out a loud sigh before dozing off. Robin swallowed, her eyes wide unsure what to do. She wasn't going to move, rest was probably the best thing for Nancy right now. Robin thought about school tomorrow. She couldn't let Nancy go, not in her current state. Robin considered calling in sick for her Saturday shift too. She would spend as long as she needed comforting Nancy and bringing her back up to the wonderful person she is. It killed Robin to see Nancy like this. She wanted her friend to be happy, to be alright again. With her thoughts racing a million miles an hour again she ended up falling asleep in Nancy's arms.

Nancy remembered collapsing to the ground, her throat burning after her scream. She shouldn't have been surprised, her relationship with Jonathan had been unstable for a very long time. She looked at Robin who had fallen asleep. Nancy sniffled and felt tears forming in her eyes again. Come on Nancy you're better then this. She didn't know why she was so upset, yes she caught her boyfriend cheating on her, but as soon as Robin had called out her name she felt something else inside of her. It seemed as if everything had been washed away, almost. Nancy rolled over onto her back and stared at Robin's roof. This weird feeling swirling deep in her stomach felt familiar but also something new all together. She didn't understand why she felt like this. The possibility of what her feelings actually meant-

"Cut it out Nancy you just got out of a relationship." She scolded herself.

Robin mumbled in her sleep, rolling over onto Nancy who let out a small squeak in surprise. The taller girl exhaled loudly before settling again. Part of Nancy felt glad things between her and Jonathan turned out the way they did. Not the way it had happened, but the end result was nice. Nancy felt sort of free now. She glanced at the sleeping girl on her, Robin looked so peaceful when she slept. Nancy reached up into Robin's hair, it felt so soft. She ended up running her hand through the other girl's hair. Her heart racing she moved her hand to rest on Robin's cheek. She felt the other girl's heart rate speed up, matching her own racing heart.

"N-Nancy?" Robin's sleepy voice broke the silent room.

"Shit-" Nancy quickly moved her hand away, trying to pretend it hadn't happened.

Robin blinked a few times, she realised she was on top of Nancy and shot up with her eyes wide.

"Oh god, Nancy- I'm sorry...it was an accident, I move alot in my sleep I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" Robin rambled, shuffling away with her hands up.

She shuffled one inch too far and fell backwards onto the floor.

"Ow!" She cried out.

"Robin!" Nancy rushed to Robin's side, "Jesus, are you ok?

Robin groaned in response, "my head hurts."

Nancy ended up laughing and collapsed besides Robin on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing at you." Nancy apologised.

"It's ok," Robin faced Nancy, "I'd rather have you laughing at me then- uh...you know."

Nancy smiled slightly. She had one question gnawing at her, something she didn't want to ask.

"Um- Robin can I like ask you something super weird and personal." Nancy whispered.

"Sure, I mean surely it can't be that weird," Robin teased.

Nancy went a pale shade of pink.

"Uh, I just was curious," Nancy looked down at her hands fiddling her fingers. "I was just curious about, um- about how you knew you liked girls?"

"Why are you, Nancy Wheeler, asking me a question like that!" Robin teased, jabbing a finger into Nancy's ribs.

Nancy squeaked and swatted Robin's hand away.

"I-I was just curious," Nancy's bright red face was telling another story.

"Nancy! Do you like a girl?! Oh my god!" A shocked smile crept across her face.

"N-no...I don't think so?" Nancy muttered, turning away from Robin so she couldn't see the complete embarrassment on her face.

"You gonna tell me who it is?" Robin's face was right next to Nancy's ear.


"Why not?!" Robin whined.

Nancy turned around to face Robin only to be met nose to nose with her. Nancy's eyes glanced at Robin's lips and back into Robin's eyes that glinted with her smile.

"You haven't told me who you like! I've been wanting to know for longer. Plus I'm...I'm not even sure if I like this person, I'm probably just confused after everything with Jonathan." Nancy ranted.

Robin looked at Nancy weirdly, "Nance, if you like girls that's fine. You're not confused."

"But what if it's just a mistake? What if I'm interpreting everything all wrong?"

Robin looked at Nancy, should she really do it? What if she ruined everything? Nancy took in a deep breathe before quickly leaning in, pecking Robin on the lips, making the decision first. Robin felt her face heat up, her mouth opened trying to say something but nothing came out. Nancy sat up instantly regretting what she did.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- uh...that was completely-"

Robin grabbed Nancy by her shirt and pulled her back down, she kissed Nancy right on the lips. Nancy took a second to respond, shocked at the result. She kissed back, laying on top of Robin. The two girls pulled away once they were out of breath.

"That feel like a mistake to you Nancy?" Robin asked.

"No," she smiled at Robin.

"So um, are we a thing now or is this just...was that just," Nancy couldn't finish.

"If you want it to be, I'm not going to force you into anything. You just got out of a relationship, I respect if you're not ready for anything." Robin smiled at Nancy giving her a casual shrug.

Nancy smiled back, hugging herself into Robin again. Her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest but this was the best feeling she had ever felt. This was better then Steve and it was better then Jonathan. This was what felt right.

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