"Nancy Are You Ok?"

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Eddie knew? Was she really that obvious. He could see the worry on her face and hurried to reassure her.

"You know, it takes one to know one right? I've seen the way you look at Vickie and Nancy. That's not how you look at somebody platonicaly" Eddie paused. "I know that...because that look in your eyes, is how I feel when I see Steve."

"You like Steve?!" Robin whisper yelled.

Eddie gave Robin a look that said "That's what I've been trying to tell you." Robin was about to speak when she was interrupted by two voices. She poked her head from under the stands and saw two people. Jonathan and Nancy.

"Let's go," Eddie said.

"Wait but I-" Robin started.

"We can continue this another time."

Robin turned around, but Eddie was gone. Just in time, the bell rang. That meant Robin had English for the last period, with Nancy Wheeler.

As Robin was making her way to English, Eddie's voice kept repeating in her head. '"I've seen the way you look at Vickie and Nancy. That's not how you look at somebody platonically." But Robin didn't even like Nancy. She wanted nothing to do with the perfect princess. Robin rolled her eyes and went into her classroom. It's not that it mattered anyways, Nancy was straighter then a fucking arrow. Robin found her desk and plonked her stuff on top of it.

"Alright class, today we are starting our group projects!" The teacher announced.

Oh crap.

"You'll be in groups of 2-4 and I'll let you choose your own groups," the teacher smiled at her class.

Oh crap. Everybody was getting up and choosing their friends getting into the partners and small groups, chatting away eagerly. Robin let out a sigh, she was probably going to end up being forced into a group because she didn't choose. Nobody chose Robin because nobody cared enough to know her. Most people would probably question who Robin Buckley even was. She slouched in her chair, prepared for the teacher to call her out when a voice spoke from above her.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner?" It was Nancy.

"Uh yeah um sure, that would be nice," Robin mumbled.

Nancy gave her a small smile. The two girls sat at Robin's desk working on the project, they had two weeks to get it done but with somebody like Nancy they were nearly finished by the end of English that day. School was now over and Robin left without saying a word to Nancy. She needed to go the the bathroom so she quickly went to the closest ones. Maybe her absence would give Eddie a chance to speak to Steve for a bit. Robin smiled at the thought, Steve struggled to get girls so maybe that was the problem this whole time. Maybe he just wasn't into them enough.

Robin washed her hands and was about to walk out when she heard whispered arguing, curious she dashed inside one of the stalls and sat up on the closed toilet lid ready to listen.

TW: sensitive content (implied s/a)

"No Jonathan stop!" Nancy cried out.

Confusion swept across Robin's face. Her mind flashed back to this morning, Nancy's eyes terrified of everything. Hair tussled, "like she had been in a fight." Robin whispered.

"Nancy don't be stupid, I know you want this just admit it to yourself." Jonathan's voice whined.

There was a loud thump and a small squeak that sounded like Nancy. Robin saw them in the next stall, under the gap that divided them. Nancy's shoes faced away from Robin but Jonathan's were facing her. He had Nancy trapped against the wall. Robin didn't know what he had done to Nancy but she couldn't just wait around to find out. Making up her mind, Robin hit the flush to distract them.

"Shit!" Jonathan snapped.

His shoes squeaked against the floor and the bathroom door slammed behind him. Robin walked out of her stall to see Nancy almost in tears.

"R-Robin?" Her doe like eyes looked up at the taller girl.

"Nancy, are you ok?" Robin asked even though she felt she knew the answer already.

"Y-yeah I'm fine," Nancy looked at the ground.

Robin's gaze took in all of Nancy, red wrists, slightly bruised arms that her sleeves barely covered. Quivering lip, shiny eyes fighting to keep the tears in. Without thinking Robin wrapped her arms around Nancy, pulling her in closely.

"You ever need it, you come talk to me ok?" Robin whispered in Nancy's ear.

She didn't know where this was coming from, Robin thought she hated Nancy. The smaller girl hesitated before putting her arms around Robin's waist, burying her face into the taller girl's shoulder.

"Thanks Robin," she whispered.

The two girls split apart, they knew it was best to go home.

"Um, Nance did you uh- would it be ok if I came over to your place? To-to finish our English project," Robin asked.

Nancy half smiled, "yeah sure."

The two girls walked through the now empty halls to the school car park. Robin saw Steve leaning against his car arms crossed, next to him was none other then Eddie. She smiled at the sight of the two. Robin waved as she approached. Eddie raising his eyebrows at her and she returned it with a sarcastic look.

"Sorry I kept you waiting Steve," Robin apologised.

"I'm going to take Robin to my place to study," Nancy explained.

Eddie's eyebrows seemed to rise even further, Robin's cheeks heated up at his acussing looks. Even Steve was suspicious of what was going on.

"You, Nancy Wheeler. Are taking Robin Buckley to your place...to study." Steve tried making sense of it, emphasizing the word "study".

Robin facepalmed, god wasn't that what Nancy and Steve used to claim they were doing when they hung out? Of course her best friend would pick up on that.

"Yes," Nancy replied shortly.

"Ok," Steve replied like he didn't actually care. "I was going to take Eddie home anyways."

Now it was Robin's turn to raise her eyebrows at Eddie. She mouthed "is that so?" And Eddie just gave her a smirk and shrugged his shoulders.

"You can sit in the passenger this time, so you know." Nancy said with a smile as she got in the driver's side.

"Yeah, right ok," Robin replied. "Bye Steve, See you Eddie!"

The two waved at her and got into Steve's car. Nancy left the school carpark and drove to her place.

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