"I'm Here."

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Robin sat up on Nancy's bed, back against the head of the bed. She had her arms behind her head as she breathed in slowly. It was an ungodly hour of the night but Robin always had a strange sleep schedule. The lightning flashed in abnormal patterns, lighting up the dull room in a blue hue. Ocassionaly the distant thunder rumbled causing Nancy to stir slightly in her sleep. Robin frowned slightly each time this happened. There was an unexpected clap of thunder loud enough to catch Robin off guard causing her to flinch. Unfortunately it had woken Nancy up too. The smaller girl grasped desperately at the covers and shoved her face in her pillow, a silent sob wracking her body. In the moment of fear Nancy must of forgotten about Robin. The taller girl frowned again before grasping Nancy's hand softly in her own. Timid blue eyes looked up into Robin's reassuring ones.

"Hey, it's ok. I'm here," she smiled slightly.

Nancy shuffled before pulling herself up into Robin's lap. Her left side was pressed against Robin's chest as Nancy sat between her legs. Nancy's legs curled up against her as she buried her face into Robin's shoulder. Robin brought Nancy in closer and wrapped her arms around her protectively. Nancy felt so stupid and small as Robin began stroking her hair.

"I'm sorry," Nancy whispered.

Robin nuzzled her face into the crook of Nancy's neck, "don't be ridiculous Nance. We all have something to be scared of."

Nancy snuggled in tighter to Robin, before moving so she could lay down with her. Robin got the hint and shuffled down under the covers on her back, allowing Nancy to rest her head on Robin's shoulder. Eventually the storm died down allowing both girls to fall asleep peacefully.


Robin stirred awake, mumbling incoherently.

"What was that?" Nancy asked from her desk.

"I don't wanna do school today," Robin mumbled louder.

"Well I'm going so you staying or coming?" Nancy smiled at Robin.

The only answer she got was groaning. Nancy let out a small laugh and got onto the bed with Robin, laying on top of her.

"Please will you come today?" Nancy pleaded.

Robin thought hard for a second before shaking her head slightly.

"Why not?" Nancy looked at her with confusion.

Robin shrugged, "I don't wanna go?"

"That's not how it works silly." Nancy laughed.

"It is now!" Robin grinned.

She rolled over laying on top of Nancy trapping the smaller girl underneath her.

"Robin!" Nancy giggled slightly. "You're crushing me."

Robin leant down leaving kisses on Nancy's collar bone.

"Robin! That tickles," Nancy giggled slightly. "Mmhnnn."

Robin chuckled as Nancy stiffled a moan as she hit her sweet spot. The taller girl gave Nancy a quick peck on the lips before getting up to get organised for school.


Robin sat next to Nancy at a table in the cafeteria with Steve, Eddie and a bunch of the popular kids who were "friends" with Nancy.

"Oh my god, Nancy!" Carol shrieked pointing at her neck.

"What-" Nancy subconsciously brought her hand up to her neck.

"You've got hickeys," Tommy snorted.

"Who'd you hook up with?!" Tammy leaned in.

"Was he hot?" Eddie leant on his hands with his eyebrows raised.

Shockingly none of the people had said anything against Eddie, just sort of ignored his presence. Robin looked up at Eddie and saw his smirk, knowing it was her that gave Nancy the hickeys. Robin chuckled silently, she wasn't even aware that she'd left marks on Nancy and clearly the smaller girl wasn't either.

"Uh," Nancy faltered unsure what to say.

She was getting flustered and a little overwhelmed.

"Nance, I'm right here. You're ok." Robin whispered only loud enough for the other girl to hear.

Nancy relaxed at Robin's voice, "It wasn't a hook up Tammy and yes Eddie he's hot."

It was best kept secret Nancy wasn't with a guy.

"Who is it?" Tammy asked again.

"Y-you don't know him." Nancy lied.

"Man, you should let us meet him one day." Carol piped up.

"Will do," Nancy muttered.

Robin and Steve chuckled at each other.

An: sorry it's a fairly short chapter but there's not much more to add to this one. I have one more chapter planned and I'm hoping to get it to 2k words which is twice as much as my normal length for a chapter. I plan on leaving it at this but if you guys are interested in a book two and turning this into a sequel please comment your ideas! :)

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