"Like Middle Schoolers?"

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Nancy pulled into her drive way and stopped the car. Robin got out, grabbing her bag and followed Nancy up the drive to the front door. Nancy grabbed a key from her pocket and unlocked the door.

"Parents aren't home and Mike's staying at Will's for a few nights," Nancy explained.

Robin gave her a nod and followed inside the empty house. Nancy placed her shoes by the door and Robin knelt down to untie her shoelaces and do the same. She hadn't really noticed just how neat and fancy the Wheeler's house was compared to her own. Besides the basement that Mike and his friends played in everything was in perfect condition. Robin looked at her feet as they went up the stairs, right foot, left foot, right foot. Nancy opened her bedroom door and placed her bag neatly beside the desk. Robin threw her bag into the corner and stood there awkwardly.

Nancy sat down on her bed with a smile, "You can sit down you know."

Robin mumbled awkwardly and sat on the corner of Nancy's bed.

"Did you actually want to come over for the project?" Nancy asked.

"Um, yeah? I'm not sure- I just kind of asked without thinking," Robin explained looking at her feet.

"Well that's ok. Considering we're nearly finished we can just chat if you want, maybe we could go out and do something?" Nancy avoided looking at Robin as she spoke.

"Well, um I don't mind," Robin replied.

Nancy smiled, she looked visibly more relaxed around Robin. The smaller girl layed back onto her pillow.

"Come here," Nancy patted next to her.

Robin obliged, laying next to Nancy.

The taller girl turned her head to look Nancy in the eyes. The smaller girl smiled at her and looked at the roof.

"Wanna play truth or dare but there's no dare?" Nancy asked.

"Like middle schoolers?" Robin whispered.

This earned her a laugh from Nancy. "Sure, like middle schoolers. I wanna know all your dirty little secrets Robin."

Nancy's teasing made Robin's stomach fill with butterflies.

"Secret number one, Nance. I never got to do anything like this in middle school." Robin admitted.

Nancy sat up in shock, "serious?"

Robin fiddled with a loose thread on her jeans, "Well uh...yeah."

"Mind telling me why?" Nancy asked.

Robin couldn't say no to those beautiful blue eyes looking down on her.

"Well you see, I'm just a nobody Nance. I wasn't invited to anything unless other kids were forced by their parents. I didn't have any friends. I wasn't exactly little miss popular." Robin went on ranting.

"Oh..." Nancy sat there in thought for a second.

"Well guess that means I can give you all the middle school experiences," Nancy layed back down, smiling at Robin.

Butterflies swam in her stomach again, Robin quickly smiled before avoiding eye contact again. Nancy turned on her side to look at Robin, proping herself up on her elbow.

"So, first question. Do you have somebody you like?" Nancy smirked.

Robin went bright red, "No!" She squeaked.

"Oh my god! You totally do who is it?"

"Uh...well. This person is the most amazing person ever. Funny, cute, and has the looks. I've got absolutely no chance though because she-" Robin faltered, Nancy raised her eyebrows.

"He- he isn't single and well it's more complicated then that" Robin cleared her throat. "But he's such a sweetheart, although he didn't know who I was until very recently. And I always get lost in those blue eyes of his it's mesmerising." Robin ranted.

She stared deep into Nancy's eyes, realising the more she spoke the less she was thinking of Vickie.

"Um anyways, tell me about Jonathan." Forgetting about earlier Robin tried to change the topic.

When Nancy's face dropped and she slumped back onto the bed Robin realised she stuffed up.

"Um well you don't have to talk about it if that's what you prefer...sorry" Robin's apology came out barely a whisper.

"No, Robin it's ok," Nancy forced a smile.

"Um, things with Jonathan are- complicated." Nancy explained in a flat tone.

Robin lay there just listening, not wanting to interrupt. It sounded like Jonathan was a decent guy, at least he was at the beginning Nancy said. But recently things had gotten, rocky between them. He was being pushy and she didn't know what to do. Robin suggested breaking up with him but Nancy half dismissed the idea. If she was too scared to break up with him then this was serious Robin realised. Eventually the two moved off the topic but it had gotten late and Robin was tired. Nancy hasn't realised this until she heard light snoring beside her. She smiled at Robin, now asleep.

"Thanks Robin, it's been really great talking to somebody about this." Nancy sighed.

Nancy pulled the blanket over the two girls and crawled closer to Robin. She poked her to make sure she was asleep. Satisfied Robin was asleep Nancy wrapped her arm around the taller girl's waist.

"Just while you're asleep," Nancy explained to sleeping Robin. "This just feels right."

"Well guess that means I can give you all the middle school experiences," Nancy had said.

All the middle school experiences. What had she meant by that? Robin looked into Nancy's mesmerizing eyes. Completely lost in them. Robin glanced lower, at her lips. She chewed on her own nervously. "All the middle school experiences." Robin swallowed down her fear and leaned in. To her surprise Nancy kissed back and passionately. They parted once out of breathe and smiled at each other. Robin touched her lips gently, they tingled slightly.

"That was my first kiss..." Robin muttered. Nancy laughed.

An: this one is a bit shorter then my last few chapters so I hope it's ok :) also the italic paragraph was actually going to be in the next chapter but I kinda wanted to bulk this one up lol so here we are.
Also I didn't plan on double posting today but I thought I should reward y'all instead of waiting another 6 days <3 I have 13 more drafts waiting but I don't wanna post it too quickly cuz the story isn't finished so I don't want to post ALL of it then have you waiting weeks for it to be finished 😭😭 I hope that's ok.

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