"Who Knew."

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-3 months later-

It has been about 3 months since Robin and Nancy had started dating, and Robin wanted to spoil her girlfriend for their anniversary.

Alot had happened in the past few months. Vickie had all but left Robin alone, she had tried to talk to Robin but Steve was onto her quicker then Robin could blink and Vickie never bothered again. Jonathan however had given the group a bit more grief, he and Jason got into a fist fight with Eddie resulting in all three of them getting suspended. A few times after that Jonathan had tried to talk to Nancy as well as constantly leaving "threatening" notes in Robin's locker. Fortunately for Robin and Nancy it was summer break and Jonathan had graduated, somehow. Which meant the two wouldn't have to deal with him again.


"So go over your plan again," Steve glanced at Robin as he served a customer their ice cream.

Robin let out a small sigh before explaining what she had in mind. Steve nodded along agreeing with what she had.

"She'll love it," Steve grins.

"Are you sure? You keep asking me to go over the details!" Robin whisper shouted.

"I'm sure. I just wanted to make sure that you were sure of it," he smirked as he shrugged his shoulders.

Robin gave him a light punch on the shoulder as her girlfriend Nancy Wheeler walked in, looking as perfect as always. Her light curly hair was half down the other half being pulled away from her face in a messy ponytail. The taller girl grinned as her eyes met the smaller one. Steve's eyes flicked between the two before snickering at their prolonged eye contact (prolonged eye contact!). Robin gave him a questioning glare as he muttered something about getting a room before ducking into the back room.

"Hey Rob!" Nancy smiled.

"Nance," she greeted in return.

Robin grabbed Nancy's collar and leant over the counter to peck her girlfriend on the lips. Nancy was immediately flustered.

"I thought we weren't being public!" She hissed, rubbing her cheek as the blush rose to her face.

"Nobody saw Nance it's ok," Robin reassured.

She didn't seem too sure but decided to let it go.

"Am I still coming over tonight?" Nancy's innocent blue eyes looked at Robin.

"Of course, of course!" Robin gave a closed eye smile.


Robin waved Steve goodbye and dashed inside to get organised for her special night. Her mother was out of town, doing who knows what, which meant Robin and Nancy had the whole house to themselves. The freckled face girl grinned to herself and set up the dining table with a table cloth, cutlery and a vase of pink roses. Robin grabbed the picnic blanket and layed it out in her small backyard, preparing for after dinner.

Once everything was organised Robin showered and changed into her suit. She had worn it once, maybe twice but now was the perfect time to wear it. She buttoned up the white dress shirt and then put on the dark grey blazer. Robin smiled at her appearance in the mirror.

"Nance is going to love this," Robin spoke to her reflection.

The next minute there was a soft knock on the door, Robin patted her hair down one last time and went to greet her girlfriend, a pink rose in hand.

Robin opened the door to a stunning Nancy, her jaw dropped as she took in her appearance. A pale flowery dress with a knee length skirt, she was wearing heels which brought her height close to Robin's. Nancy had a pale blush spread across her cheeks as she waved. Robin got her composure back and stepped aside for Nancy to come in.

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