"A Double Date?"

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Robin lay awake in her bed, unable to fall asleep like usual. Nancy was sound asleep curled into Robin's side, light snores filling the silent night. She played with the sleeping girl's hair, twirling her fingers in it. Nancy's hair was incredibly soft and Robin couldn't help but run her fingers through it.

Nancy woke up to an alarm at 9 am. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes, groaning as she stretched her tired muscles. Robin was sound asleep, laying on her stomach with her hand resting on Nancy's arm. The smaller girl smiled and wrapped her arms around her sleeping girlfriend. From what Nancy knew about Robin she would probably be deep in sleep for half the day, but that didn't bother her. Nancy closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and comfort this moment was bringing her. Until she was interrupted by rapid knocking on Robin's bedroom door. Nancy quickly let Robin go so they wouldn't be caught.

"Robin wake up! You've got a phone call!" Robin's mother pounded on the door.

Nancy crawled out of Robin's bed and made her way to the door to open it, she noticed it was locked from the inside. She turned to look at Robin's sleeping figure and smiled, she wouldn't have to worry about somebody walking in. The door lock clicked as Nancy unlocked it and opened the door.

"She's asleep, who is it? I can take the call for her." Nancy whispered.

Shock swept across the older woman's face but she quickly hid it, "it's just Steve. I wish she would hurry up and ask him out though. He calls her so much."

Nancy clenched her jaw slightly, wondering if Robin's mother actually knew the truth and was just being disrespectful. She made her way to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello, Steve? It's Nancy." She greeted through the phone.

"Hey Nancy, Robin sleeping like the dead is she?" Steve joked.

"Yeah pretty much, is there something you wanted to tell her?"

"Well it's for both of you really, I was wondering if you two wanted to go out for dinner tonight. Double date with me," Steve explained.

"A- a double date? Where is this coming from?" Nancy chewed a finger nail nervously, did Steve figure it out?

"Come on Nance, Robin is my best friend, she's never good at keeping secrets, and I know you. "I'm going to take Robin to my place to study." Really Nancy, that's what our excuse was all the time, of course I'm going to pick up on it." Steve laughed slightly.

Nancy stood there in awe, unable to form words to respond.

"Nancy? Nance, hello? Geez relax please! Nancy?" Steve snapped the girl out of her shock.

"You know?" Was all she said.

"Long before Buckley herself even knew. I'm fine with it by the way, I knew about Robin already. Plus um...I'm not going to this date with a chick." Steve explained.

"You're what?!" Nancy half screamed through the phone.

"Not going with a chick. It would work out well anyways, even though you'd go with Robin and I'd go with my person, we can make it look like you're going with me or something. Since you know how people are."

"Steve Harrington you're a genius." Nancy smiled.

"So you'll go?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I'll let Robin know when she wakes."

"Awesome, I'll come round to pick you guys up at 6! See ya," Steve hung up the phone.

It was almost noon when Robin started to wake up. Nancy had returned to bed after locking the bedroom door. She was running her hand up and down Robin's arm, smiling softly. Robin blinked to adjust her eyes to the light, she looked into Nancy's eyes and smiled, pulling herself into Nancy. She buried her face into Nancy's shoulder, arms wrapped around her body.

"Morning sleepy head," Nancy whispered in Robin's ear.

Robin turned to look at her clock, "almost afternoon. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You're too cute when you're sleeping, I didn't want to ruin that." Nancy explained.

"What am I not cute enough while I'm awake?" Robin sat up and pouted.

"You're plenty cute when you're awake too," Nancy leant in and kissed Robin on the lips.

Nancy pulled away, too soon for Robin's liking.

"Steve wants to go on a double date with us," Nancy stated.

"A double date?? WAIT STEVE KNOWS?" Robin started freaking out.

Nancy put a finger to Robin's lips to shush her, "it's fine. Apparently we weren't being as subtle as we thought, knew before we did, but he's cool with it."

"God don't freak me out like that!" Robin laughed lightly.

"He'll pick us up at 6 tonight. I don't know where we're going or who he's going with, didn't ask." Nancy answered all of Robin's questions before she could ask them.

"Man I'm going to have to dress up all nice aren't I?" Robin groaned slightly.

"I can help you," Nancy smiled.

"N-no! Not happening Nance," Robin's eyes widened.

"Please! I'd love to do your hair and make up," Nancy begged.


Robin and Nancy made their way out the front door, Steve parked waiting for them already. The two girls got in the back, Steve turned and stared at Robin.

"What happened to you?" Steve tried stiffling his laughter.

Steve's date turned and looked, "Buckley oh my god!" Eddie covered his mouth.

Robin crossed her arms as Nancy beamed, "I got her to cave in!"

"Eddie?!" Robin was distracted from her embarrassment.

"Hello, surprised to see me?" He grinned.

"No I guess I shouldn't be," Robin leaned back.

Nancy leant her head on Robin's shoulder and closed her eyes, enjoying as much physical contact before they were in public as possible. Robin smiled, she couldn't be mad with Nancy around. She just washed all the negative emotions away, leaving her at peace.

"We're here," Steve announced as he parked out the front of a fancy restaurant.

The (fruity) four walked inside and sat in a corner booth, Robin and Nancy chose to be risky and sat next to each other in the middle. Steve took a seat next to Nancy and Eddie across from him and next to Robin. Everybody ordered their food and drinks and chatted while they waited. Robin glanced around, making sure nobody was looking she placed a hand on Nancy's thigh.

"Really, you're doing this to me here Robin?" Nancy whispered into her ear.

Robin grinned mischievously and whispered back, "it's just so fun teasing you Wheeler."

Robin started tracing circles on Nancy's thigh, her gaze keeping a look out. Nancy inhaled loudly, staring at Robin.

"Nancy are you alright?" Steve asked, concern on his face as he watched Nancy's facial expression change.

"Mhm, just fine. Um- I've got to go to the bathroom," Nancy excused herself and escaped to the bathroom.

"You gonna go after Wheeler or leave her suffering?" Eddie winked at Robin.

She grinned, "she can wait a little bit."

An: here's a sweet chapter to make up for the last one :) there'll obviously be a part two.

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