"Nance? Are You Scared Of Storms?"

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Nancy followed Robin to her desk in their English class, she pulled up a seat and pulled out what they needed for the project. She glanced up at Robin who was mindlessly tapping a pencil on the desk. Nancy smiled softly and started finishing up their project that was due at the end of the week. Eventually the late comers of class arrived and the teacher got class started.

Robin looked up to see Nancy wander to the front of the class and she heard her ask for permission to go to the bathroom. She felt bad because she realised she had been zoned out for 20 minutes and hadn't helped Nancy with their project. Robin got up from her desk and asked to grab a drink. Running through the empty halls Robin went to the closest bathroom. She smiled as she saw Nancy looking in the mirror, seemingly lost in thought.

"Hi beautiful," Robin grinned.

Nancy snapped out of her trance and looked at Robin, her face immediately lighting up with a warm smile.

"Hey," Nancy smiled.

"Sorry I didn't help you finish with the project," Robin apologised, looking at her feet.

"You don't need to be sorry," Nancy smiled reassuringly.

Nancy wandered up to Robin and cupped her face in her hands.

"You know, it's just us here- and we've finished our English work...what if we just stay here for a little bit?" Robin suggested, slowly tugging Nancy into a stall.

To most of Robin's surprise, Nancy was actually keen on the idea. The two girls locked the end stall and Nancy was immediately on her. Robin felt her back against the wall and Nancy's arms slip across her shoulders. Her hands slipped around the smaller girls waist and she leaned down to kiss Nancy. They both fought for dominance but Robin was happy enough to let Nancy take the lead.

"I like it when you take control like this Nance," Robin muttered grinning as she pulled away slightly.

"R-really?" Nancy faltered.

"Shit...didn't mean to say that out loud," Robin laughed lightly.

Nancy smiled softly, "we should probably head back before we raise suspicion for being away too long."

Robin was disappointed but agreed.

I'm stuck on what to write so time skip to after school lol

Robin followed Nancy up the stairs of her home as she had done many times previously, Nancy closed her bedroom door behind them and made herself at home. Robin pulled off her converse and placed them next to her bag she had brought along. Nancy was standing by her window staring at the sky which had gotten dark due to the storm brewing, before hurriedly closing the curtains. Robin's eyes followed Nancy's movements, her hand flicking on her lamp so they had light in the room. The taller girl sat on Nancy's bed just admiring her when she noticed Nancy was shaking slightly, a clap of thunder shook the sky and Nancy flinched, grasping handfuls of her blanket.

"Nance? Are you scared of storms?" Robin hesitated, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

She, herself loved storms and found them oddly calming.

"What?" Nancy cast a worried look to Robin, "N-no?"

She didn't sound sure of herself so Robin pulled her in for a hug trying to protect her from the noise.

"Nance, it's just me you can be honest with me. It's ok if you find them scary I'll be here to keep you company ok?" Robin ran a hand through Nancy's hair.

"Thanks Robin," Nancy wrapped her arms around Robin's waist and buried her face into her shoulder.

"Is there a particular reason why?" Robin asked.

"No, at least I don't think so. Mum says I've always hated them since I was little." Nancy explained.

No matter what Robin would make sure Nancy felt safe.

"Can I tell you something Robin?" Nancy mumbled into her chest.

"Always, what's up?" Robin responded.

"Well Steve used to find it funny I was scared of storms. Not in a bad way but in a "it's cute but I'll make fun of you way" and Jonathan just made me feel like a child because I was scared of something so silly..." Nancy admitted.

Robin rolled her eyes, "men are idiots. You could come to me about the most stupidest things Nance and I'll always love you."

She pulled away to grab Nancy's favourite stuffed teddy, "you still sleep with stuffed animals and that ok. I find it adorable" Robin grinned.

Nance blushed slightly and snatched the teddy from Robin's hands, "this one's mine back off." A small smile crept on her face.

Robin pecked Nancy on the lips, "and you're mine."

Nancy pulled in Robin for a longer kiss, her soft lips dancing across Robin's. They started heavily making out, only taking breaks for breathing. Eventually the pulled apart and Robin rested her forehead against Nancy's. Both girls panting they looked into each other's eyes, admiring one another. Robin felt a presence and pulled away, looking towards the door that had been opened. Nancy followed Robin's gaze and in her open door stood an awestruck Mike Wheeler. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"MIKE WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT KNOCKING?!" Nancy stood up, Mike scampering off to hide in his room.

Nancy sat back on the edge of her bed, placing her hands on her face. "What am I going to do if he starts blabbing?"

"Hey, it's going to be ok." Robin put her arm around Nancy. "Mike's a good kid, let me go talk to him alright?"

Nancy just nodded her head, hiding her bright red face. Robin got up and closed the door behind her, making her way to Mike's room. She knocked on the closed door, a second later Mike opened it poking his head through the crack.

"What do you want?" He mumbled.

"Uh, to ask you how much you saw." Robin scratched the back of her neck.

"All of it!" Mike went to close the door.

"Wait! A-are you cool with it? With me and Nance?" Robin stuttered.

"I don't care if Nancy's kissing girls! I thought she would have learnt by now to lock the god damn door." Mike whisper yelled.

"Maybe you would have learnt to knock," Robin teased scruffing his hair up with her hand. "Thanks kiddo I'll leave you alone now."

Robin heard the door close behind her as she made her way back to Nancy's room. She closed and locked Nancy's door and turned to face Nancy. The smaller girl was curled into a ball with her hands covering her ears and eyes squeezed shut. She must really hate storms, Robin thought sadly. She made her way into Nancy's bed and wrapped an arm around Nancy's stiff body. She opened her blue eyes at Robin's touch and immediately relaxed.

"Mike's cool with us." Robin smiled.

"Thank God," Nancy cuddled into Robin.

"Also if you need just call me and I'll stay by your side during these storms Nance, I won't mind." Robin pulled Nancy closer to her.

Nancy smiled and muttered a thanks.

An: idk why I headcanon that Nance is scared of storms lol I just do.

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