"Nancy Looked Really Cute."

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Robin sat out on her porch, waiting for Steve to pick her up for work. Nancy had gone to school yesterday, despite Robin's protests. The taller girl ditched because she really didn't want to go. She knew nothing would stop Nancy not even a huge heart break. She was still staying at Robin's though which was nice, Nancy said she had stuff to do at the library so she would be back that afternoon. This didn't bother Robin because she would be stuck at work all day. Steve pulled up into his usual spot and waved to his best friend. Robin smiled and walked down the path and got into the car. She looked around the back seat, earning a weird look from Steve.

"Where's the other half of you gone?" Robin gave the back seat one more scan for Eddie.

"Haha very funny Robin. Eddie has some D'n'D campaign with hellfire today," Steve rolled his eyes at Robin playfully.

Saturday routine followed through as normal, shop open and was quiet until it hit lunch time. Erica came in wanting her free samples as per usual. It was Robin's turn to be stuck with Erica and her friends.

Erica licked off the choc mint off her sample spoon and looked at Robin who sighed.

"Can I try the peppermint stick?" Erica dumped her sample stick into the bin.

"Haven't you already tried the peppermint stick?" Robin crossed her arms

"Yes and I'd like to try it again," sass seeping in her tone.

Robin rolled her eyes but obliged, she didn't feel like arguing with this girl today. Eventually the group of girls left and Robin was free to talk to Steve.

"How's Nancy holding up?" Steve asked.

"You know, it's Nance after all, she's running about as if nothing happened. She went to school yesterday despite me telling her not to and she's off doing something at the library today." Robin explained.

Steve smiled shaking his head, "that's our Nance for you."

"Yeah, yeah it is," Robin smiled at the thought of Nancy.

As if she had been summoned Nancy walked past the Scoops Ahoy door. She sort of stopped as if she wanted to come in but decided against it, her curls bouncing as she walked out of Robin's sight. Without thinking Robin stared mouth open slightly. Nancy had looked amazing. She wore a cream and brown striped shirt with light coloured pants and dark boots that matched, she also had a fancy belt and a white scarf. (What she was wearing in season 4 when she went into the upside down) It was different to her usual prissy dresses and skirts that Robin had grown to love but it was nice. Robin turned to Steve semi-excited

"Did you see what Nance was wearing?" She asked, grinning widely.

Steve turned to Robin, "yeah she looks cute in it."

"Yeah she really does," Robin smiled like a lovesick puppy and leant against the front counter.

Steve crossed his arms and opened his mouth with eyebrows raised slightly. Unsure if he had heard Robin correctly. Robin turned to look at Steve who hadn't replied and saw the accusing look she was getting.

"W-What...?" She tilted her head.

"Oh, nothing," Steve smirked before looking away.

An: this small scene between Steve and Robin was an idea that belongs to @/thatlittleemobish on tiktok. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSRD6RbaN/ that's the link to the video :3 I had permission dw.

Robin gave Steve a side glance before realising. He didn't know...Nancy and Robin were a private thing. Steve was probably suspicious of them for a while but this wouldn't have helped. She shrugged, in her defense Nancy looked really cute. There was no denying it. She wished Nancy had chosen to come in and say "hi" though. It was such a tease to come by and not come over to chat. A small smile crept on Robin's face as she thought about how she could pay Nancy back. It was fun teasing her after all.

"Robin stop gawking around, if you want to go talk to Nancy just go. I can handle the fort," Steve suggested.

"Y-you sure?" Robin hesitated.

Steve just nodded and shooed her away with his hands. It was enough to make Robin's mind up so she dashed around the counter and out the front door in an attempt to find Nancy. She wore her red converse today which squeaked a bit as she ran. Robin ended up coming to a stop in the middle of the mall, spinning around trying to settle her gaze on the girl in the striped shirt. Unsuccessful, Robin made her way back to work with her head down. She was almost back at Scoops Ahoy when she bumped into the back of somebody.

"Oh god, sorry I should have-" Robin looked up to see Nancy smiling at her.

"It's fine Robin, I was about to go see you anyways," Nancy rubbed her neck awkwardly.

"Oh- alright. Uh- well let's walk together." Robin suggested.

"That sounds nice," Nancy smiled.

The two girls walked back to Scoops Ahoy together and chose a corner booth away from the customers. Robin told Steve she would be taking her lunch break so he would have to serve alone for a while. Robin wanted so badly to wrap her arm around Nancy or to hold her hand but she knew they couldn't, not here.

"So um, what brings you here?" Robin broke the silence that had settled on them.

"Oh, nothing really. I finished what I was doing at the library and felt it would be awkward at your place alone." Nancy explained.

"Well you wouldn't be alone you would be in the company of my lovely mother," Robin rolled her eyes sarcastically.

Nancy just laughed in response. Robin smiled at the girl near her and looked down at the table, unsure what to say from there. That's when there was an outburst from the shop front, Eddie running in and skidding to a stop.

"Wheeler! You- You've got to see this," Eddie panted.

"Eddie? What's going on?" Nancy stood up in fear.

Robin made eye contact with Steve who had a concerned look on his face.

"Just follow me," Eddie ushered them with his hands.

The shop was empty so Steve turned the sign to "closed" and locked the front door. Fear plastered on Nancy's face because of Eddie's wavering voice and insistence. What would Eddie Munson want from her, Nancy Wheeler?

An: mwahahaha cliffhanger <3

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