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Steve drove Robin to school as per usual, Eddie was chilling in the back.

"Is there something you two want to tell me? You guys like never used to hang out," Robin asked, giving accusing looks at the both of them.

"I don't know what you want to know Robin," Steve shrugged.

"Same reason you're all over Wheeler," Eddie accused right back.

Robin crossed her arms, "Nance and I are just friends."

"Mhm exactly," Eddie gave her one of his classic grins.

Robin rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. Eddie could be frustrating but she had to admit he was funny. Just like Steve sometimes.

Robin opened her locker, throwing her bag in and grabbing her books for her first class. That's when a small slip of paper fell to her feet. Glancing around Robin knelt down to pick it up. She unfolded it and read the note:

Meet me at the bleachers by the football field after school,
Nancy Wheeler.

Robin squinted, it didn't look like Nancy's writing but it was signed by her. Maybe she was just in a rush to write it? She shrugged, shoving the paper into her pocket and closing her locker door. Robin walked to class with Steve and told him about the note, explaining he won't have to wait around for her, she'll get Nancy to take her home.

-another time skip cuz I'm lazy lol, nobody wants every chapter to be a run through of a school day-

The bell to go home rung and Robin rushed to put her stuff away. She hadn't actually seen Nancy all day. It was if she was avoiding Robin, which seemed weird. She didn't even see her during lunch. Grabbing her bag she then made her way outside. Converse squeaking slightly on the hallway floors. Robin felt her heart racing, getting nervous the closer she got.


Robin froze in her tracks.

"NANCY!!" Robin ran towards Nancy's anguished scream.

She made it in time to see Nancy collapse to her knees, face in her hands. Jonathan was with some random girl heavily making out with her. He pulled away and opened his mouth to speak.

"Sorry Nance you just weren't giving me enough. So I found somebody who could give me what I wanted." Jonathan smirked harshly before shoving his tongue back down the girl's throat.

Robin ran up to the girl who was collapsed on the ground, sobs wracked her body. She hooked her arms under Nancy's armpits and pulled her up, semi hugging her. Nancy tried resisting, fighting to get out of Robin's grip.

"Nancy, please." Robin grunted.

Nancy may be small but she was putting up a hell of a fight. Eventually she calmed down enough for Robin to take Nancy to her car. With all the fight gone out of her Nancy was just empty. Robin searched through Nancy's bag to get a key for the car. She was about to get in the front to try and drive Nancy home when the smaller girl stopped her.

"I-I'll drive you home. It's fine," Nancy's voice was flat and barely audible.

Robin didn't say no and allowed Nancy to get in the driver's seat. The girls were silent the entire drive. Robin's mind racing a million miles an hour. This all had to be a set up, but why was she involved? Robin thought Jonathan was an absolute dick, forcing himself onto Nancy only to cheat on her because he was unhappy. Robin let out an angry sigh. It was bullshit. Nancy pulled up to Robin's house and stopped the car.

"Nance," Nancy flinched at the nickname.

Damn it Jonathan, "Nancy. Please I can't let you leave. Come inside, alright?"

Nancy had looked up with sad eyes when Robin spoke the second time. She exhaled lightly and turned the car off. Nancy clung to Robin's arm as they walked inside the house, she didn't know why but it felt comforting to have Robin for support. Robin took Nancy into her room and sat her down on the bed. She turned to her wardrobe and found a blanket to wrap around the silent girl.

"Nancy," she looked up at her name but didn't say anything.

"Ok, that's it your staying with me for a few nights. I'm not letting you go home by yourself. Give me a second I'm calling Steve." Robin reassured Nancy and got up to make the phone call.

Robin dialed in Steve's number. As it rung she felt a pressure against her side. Nancy buried her face into Robin's shoulder, arms wrapped around the taller girl's body. Robin wrapped her free arm around the smaller girl, bringing her in closer.


"Hey Steve, um can you please take Nancy and I to her place? She's not in any fit state to drive and I need to pack stuff for her to stay at my place."

"Oh, is everything alright?"

"Well, no not really but I'm not going to talk about it. Nancy can do that when she's ready."

"Alright, I'll be over in a bit. See you soon," Steve hung up.

Robin walked Nancy to the front door, she sat her down on the chair on the porch. Nancy rested her head on Robin's shoulder, keeping her eyes down. It wasn't too long before Steve was there. Robin took Nancy to the car and sat in the back with her. Nancy was broken, simple tasks had become a mission for her. Robin looked at Steve sadly. He gave the girls a sympathetic smile. Once they arrived at the Wheeler's, Steve got out to help Robin with Nancy. They went through the front door and up the stairs trying to avoid the family. With little success.

"Nancy? Steve? What's going on?" Mrs. Wheeler called out from the kitchen.

"Um, hi Mrs. Wheeler, Nancy's just staying over at my place for a few nights, I hope that's ok!" Robin called out.

"Oh Robin, yeah that's fine." Mrs. Wheeler responded, relieved to hear about "girl's night".

The three made it into Nancy's room without further being disrupted.

Robin got Nancy to sit down on her bed, she sat besides the smaller girl and kept her arm wrapped around her. Steve started rummaging through Nancy's clothes and throwing random items into a bag.

"Steve," Nancy's flat voice stopped him.

Steve looked at Robin concerned. He had never heard Nancy sound so- dead.

"Come on Nancy, it's nothing I haven't already seen." He attempted to make the situation light with a joke.

Robin smiled slightly but Nancy just looked back at the floor. When Steve was done he threw the bag on his back. Robin helped Nancy back down the stairs.

Steve drove the girls back to Robin's place and Robin thanked him. Taking Nancy's bag of clothes inside with them she made Nancy sit back on her bed.

"You just rest ok? You need anything you let me know," Robin gave Nancy a small smile.

Who Knew? - RonanceWhere stories live. Discover now