"Ok, Nancy 'The Priss' Wheeler."

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Robin remembered Vickie walking hand in hand with her boyfriend, Dan. She felt that familiar empty feeling in her stomach, dread. But this wasn't a memory, because when Robin had blinked Vickie was gone. In her place was Nancy, smiling up at Jonathan. The feeling in Robin's stomach grew worse and more painful. Robin spun around trying to find Steve, but he wasnt there. She turned back to face Nancy and realised she was looking right into her eyes now. Dream Robin gulped. Another blink and she was gone, out of the dream and back into reality. She heard shuffling noises, that's what woke her up. Robin rubbed her eyes sleepily and managed to pull herself up into a sitting position. Robin's body ached from sleeping on a couch with two other people. Once her eyes had adjusted she saw Steve was partially on her leg, Eddie laying half on him. Robin smirked, she would have to tease them for that later.

"Oh you're awake," a voice came from behind Robin.

Robin turned around to meet Nancy almost nose to nose with herself. Robin's eyes widened.

"Y-yeah, I am now-" Robin's voice cracked.

Nancy gave a small, almost friendly smile, "I can drive you home if you want. Saves you waiting around for him." She pointed at Steve snoring at Robin's feet.

Robin blinked a few times, not saying anything. Did Nancy just offer to drive her, Robin, home? They didn't even know each other. Robin didn't think Nancy even knew her name.

"Uh yeah sure," Robin replied.

Robin carefully shoved Steve off her leg with a small grunt from herself and unhappy groaning from Eddie.

"He's heavier then he looks isn't he?" Nancy chuckled.

Robin shot her a weird look which stopped the laughing. She didn't understand why Nancy was being friendly to her it was weird. Robin decided it wasn't important so she should stop worrying about it.

"Anyways, whenever you're ready," Nancy cleared her throat.

Robin scrambled up, trying to tame her hair with her hands.

"Do- do you want to borrow my hair brush?" Nancy asked.

Robin sputtered and coughed. She was completely caught off guard and she couldn't get words to form in her throat. Nancy crossed her arms, waiting for Robin to calm down.

"Sure- yeah a hairbrush would be great." Robin managed.

Nancy gave her a forced smile and lead her to her room upstairs. Robin was able to take more in this time without the distraction of a make out session.

"No Jonathan this time, he went home with Will last night," Nancy explained.

Robin didn't feel the need to say anything, she gave Nancy a nod as she untangled her bed (couch?) hair. Robin followed Nancy down the stairs, almost making it to the front door before being interrupted. Mike had come from the basement, tired eyes glaring at Nancy, his dark curly hair flared around him.

"Robin, what're you doing with Nancy?" His sister's name came out in a pained tone.

"I'm taking her home Mike, butt out." Nancy grabbed Robin's wrist and pulled her out the front door.

Robin was dragged to Nancy's car, fancy and blue. She had to force her scoff back down her throat. Ok, Nancy 'The Priss' Wheeler. You've got a nice fancy car and everything handed to you on a silver platter. Robin gave the car a subtle eye roll. Nancy got in the driver's seat and Robin hopped in the back. She didn't feel comfortable being so close to Nancy, it was awkward enough as it is. Nancy didn't object to this action but she did glance at Robin in the review mirror, darting her eyes away when they made eye contact. Robin told Nancy her address and Nancy left the curb. The girls sat there in awkward silence majority of the drive, neither one knowing what to say.

"Sorry about last night. Dustin asked Mike to tell me the wrong door." Robin spoke up.

"Don't sweat it," Nancy responded.

Robin forced a smile at the other girl before returning her gaze out the window. She didn't have anything else to say and it seemed Nancy didn't have any conversation starters either. This was fine by Robin, yes she was known to be loud and a talker sometimes but this was better. She didn't often speak up unless she was close with the person or thought it was necessary. No point wasting her breathe. Robin preferred "living on the side lines", she didn't need to be known or important. That's where her and Nancy Wheeler were different. She had the looks, the grades and the confidence. Everybody loved her, Robin wasn't sure why. Nancy just seemed like a stuck up bitch who didn't care about anybody. Robin was glad she didn't have anything in common with this girl, besides one mutual connection, Steve and them going to the same school.

"We're here," Nancy's voice interuppted Robin's thoughts.

"Thanks Wheeler," Robin got out of the car without saying a good bye to the other.

Nancy drove off and Robin let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Robin wandered inside and headed to her bedroom, kicking off her converse. Robin flopped into her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day so she ended up taking a nap.

A girl, shorter then Robin was holding her hand. The two were in a flower field, not one Robin recognized. She couldn't see who this mystery girl was she was facing away from her and a hat covered her hair. Who was she? Why were they here? A laugh rang through Robin's ears, it was sweet like a melody. The girl's laugh made Robin's heart ache. "Who are you?" Robin asked. But the girl didn't respond. Robin was confused, she took in the environment around her. There were many pretty flowers of all sorts and colours around, butterflies fluttered in the clear blue sky. Birds were singing in the trees that surrounded the field. Despite the beauty of the nature around her, Robin knew deep down none of this compared to the mystery girl. She didn't understand how she knew, she just did. Robin stood there unmoving, her conscious didn't understand what was going on. The girl started to walk, trying to pull Robin with her but she didn't budge. Their hands disconnected and the other girl turned around.
"What're you doing silly? Come on!" Nancy gave Robin a warm smile, beckoning her to follow.

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