"I Love You Too Nance."

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Nancy placed her hands on the sink, staring into the mirror, muttering to herself "damn it Robin. You're such a tease."

She hadn't noticed the girl in question had entered the bathrooms. Robin wrapped her arms around Nancy's waist, resting her head on Nancy's shoulder. She gave her girlfriend puppy eyes in the mirror.

"Don't worry I've blocked the door," Robin grinned.

Nancy shook her head slightly with a smile on her face. She moved her hand to rest on Robin's cheek.

"Could you really not wait a few hours? We can't be this obvious at school, not with Jonathan and Vickie already on our tails," Nancy couldn't stop from worrying.

"It's cute that you're worried Nance, but we'll be fine. I promise," Robin reassured her, placing a kiss on Nancy's cheek.

Nancy turned around in Robin's arms and wrapped her own arms around the taller girl's waist.

"You're so damn lucky I love you," Nancy mumbled into Robin's chest.

Robin froze. Nancy looked up to see her unmoving and in complete shock.

"Robin?" Nancy shook her slightly. "Robin, seriously you're freaking me out. Robin!"

The taller girl relaxed and slumped onto Nancy, "I love you too Nance."

"Don't do that to me again!" Nancy sighed in relief.

"Sorry, first time those words have been uttered to me," Robin mumbled.

Nancy's mouth opened, silently saying "oh".

"Don't pity me Nance, I'm glad I heard it from you first," Robin smiled, patting Nancy on the head.

"We should get back, don't want them getting worried," Robin explained.

She let go of Nancy and wandered to the door, removing the small chunk of wood she had wedged into the handle. Before she could open the door Nancy pulled her in for a quick kiss, which she smiled into.

"Let's go," Nancy smiled sweetly.

The two girls made their way back to their seats, Eddie who had moved closer to chat with Steve shuffled back into his spot. Robin sat down and smiled softly at Nancy who gave her a warm smile in return. It wasn't long until the waitress brought over their food. Everybody dug in and chatted between mouthfuls.

Eddie leaned in and whispered into Robin's ear, "how do you feel about flirting with each other to mess with our dates?"

Nancy squinted at him trying to read his lips to understand what he said.

"I like that idea," Robin grinned.

"Let me know if I make you uncomfortable," Eddie whispered back as he wrapped an arm around Robin's shoulder.

Robin immediately felt two pairs of eyes on her and she couldn't help but smile. She leant her head on Eddie's shoulder, her grin widening. Eddie looked at Robin, also grinning. He started playing with her hair and Robin flicked her gaze to Nancy who's jaw was clenched slightly.

"Babe, I think our pda is making our friends uncomfortable," Robin addressed Eddie, stirring the pot some more.

Both Steve and Nancy's jaws dropped as they heard what Robin had said. Eddie let out a small laugh.

"Well that's too bad on them, I don't want them spoiling our fun night!" Eddie moved his face near Robin's, teasing her girlfriend with an almost kiss.

Eddie leaned back and grabbed Robin's fork, scooping up some of her food and offering it to her. Robin smiled softly and allowed herself to be spoon fed.

"Alright that's enough!" Steve stood up and slammed his fists on their table.

A few eyes from the restaurant flicked to the commotion but quickly went back to their own business. Eddie and Robin started laughing hysterically.

"Damn Harrington! Thought Wheeler here was gonna snap first," Eddie managed between laughs.

While Nancy hadn't opened her mouth to say a word she appeared to be fuming, ready to boil over at any minute.

"Somebody's grumpy!" Robin teased, poking Nancy in the ribs, her known weak spot.

Nancy stifled a surprise squeak, swatting Robin's hand away and crossing her arms, "not cool Robin."

"Are you a little jealous?" Robin continued teasing.

"So what if I am?" Nancy mumbled.

"We can leave now and go back to my place, where we'll be alone." Robin suggested with a smirk on her face.

Nancy immediately perked up at the idea, "really?"

Robin gave her a nod.

"Sorry guys Robin and I are off!" Nancy smiled, jumping up and moving away from the table.

"Wait Nancy! How are you getting home? I drove you hear!" Steve called out.

"I'll walk her Steve, we'll be fine." Robin smiled.

Nancy and Robin payed for their dinner and said goodbye to their friends.

The sun was beginning to set as the two girls walked the direction of Robin's home.

"Your mum won't mind another night at my place, right?" Robin checked as she looked at Nancy.

"No I'm sure it will be fine, it's not like I'm sleeping with a boy!" Nancy grinned.

"Well we better make sure she doesn't find out about us, she may never let me see you again after this," Robin teased.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her," Nancy giggled.

Robin smiled and wrapped her arm around Nancy due to the entry of Robin's practically abandoned street.

Once they were inside Robin almost ran to the bathroom, instantly scrubbing off the make up Nancy had done. Nancy was confused and went after her, seeing Robin's face dripping wet and a goofy grin plastered on her face.

"Sorry, I couldn't stand it any longer!" Robin said innocently.

"It's ok I forgive you," Nancy wrapped her arms around Robin's waist.

Robin dried her face off then leaned down, pecking Nancy on the lips. Nancy stood on her tiptoes leaning into the kiss more. The girls were interrupted by the front door slamming closed. They quickly pulled apart and Robin stood in front of Nancy, an arm semi blocking her. Nancy noticed this small movement and smiled, she thought it was cute Robin thought she needed protection.

"Mum?" Robin's voice called out.

She didn't get a response so she crept towards the lounge room, Robin saw her mum grabbing beer from the kitchen fridge. Robin rolled her eyes, shaking her head and turned around to go back down the hall.

"Just mum," Robin explained to Nancy, taking her hand and leading her to her room.

Robin locked the door behind them and lay down in bed with Nancy.

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