"What Was This Strange Feeling?"

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Robin showered and threw on tattered jeans and a band shirt along with her signature converse. It was 7:40 pm so Robin was going to wait outside for Steve.

"Where are you off to?" A croaky voice called from the lounge room. Robin sighed quietly before responding to her mother.

"I'm going out with a friend!"

"Is it that Steve guy? Give him a chance would you?" Her mum responded.

Fuck sake mum. Robin didn't even bother responding and walked out the front door. It wasn't long before Steve rounded the corner and parked in front of Robin's house, she made her way down the porch steps and jumped into the passenger seat.

"You have any idea what they've got planned tonight?" Robin asked.

Steve shook his head in response, tonight would be a mystery then. Robin looked at the stars not having much to say when she realised they weren't at the Wheeler's. Robin turned towards Steve about to question him when the answer got in the back seat.

"Hey guys," Eddie greeted.

"Hey Eddie," Steve glanced at him in the review mirror.

Robin raised her eyebrow at him and he just shrugged. She decided to let it go and zoned out for the rest of the drive.

Steve parked outside the Wheeler's house on the curb and got out. Robin and Eddie followed behind him as they walked up the pathway to the front door. Steve knocked on the door and the three waited for an answer. Of course it had to be Nancy "The Priss" Wheeler, Robin rolled her eyes. Nancy took in the three before her, tucking a strand of hair behind her left ear.

"You're not Jonathan." She stated.

Steve and Robin scoffed in sync, Eddie raised his eyebrows at Nancy's statement.

"No, we're here for Henderson and the smaller Wheeler," Eddie responded.

Nancy gave a curt nod and stepped away from the door.

"In the basement," Nancy pointed in the direction of the stairs.

The three thanked Nancy and walked past her, Robin looked up from her feet at the girl and linked eyes accidently. She felt something strange inside her stomach and her heart almost skipped a beat. Confused Robin looked back at the ground, heat rising into her cheeks. Robin shuffled her feet, now behind Eddie. Steve was the first one into the basement and Robin and Eddie split to either side of him. The group of kids looked up at the newcomers and smiles broke across their faces, almost in sync.

"Steve! Guys!" Dustin exclaimed as he scrambled up off the floor.

"Hey," the three responded.

"Take a seat, take a seat," Dustin pointed to an empty 3 seater.

Steve sat in the middle, Robin sat on his left and Eddie sat on Steve's right. The boys had a D'n'D game set up, Eleven and Max sat there chatting. Will and Mike cleaned up their game so there was room for snacks on the table.

"So, first game will be truth or dare!" Mike announced.

Robin gave Steve a look of "this will be interesting". Steve returned the look with a nod and sarcastic smile. Eddie leaned forwards and grabbed a handful of chips.

"El, truth or dare!" Mike started the game.

Eleven hesitated before responding with, "truth."

Mike being the idiot he is asked, "Who's better, me or Max."

Eleven pulled a face at him before responding, "with a question like that Max."

Mike looked hurt as Max poked her tongue out at him with a smug look on her face.

The game kept going, Robin had only been picked once so far. Eddie had chosen dare every single time, which didn't surprise her. Robin stood up and stretched.

"Mike, where's the bathroom?" She asked.

Dustin whispered something in Mike's ear before he could respond to Robin. She squinted at them wondering what was going on.

Mike cleared his throat, "Once you're out of the basement, up the other flight of stairs and first door on the left."

Dustin gave him a grin.

"Thanks," Robin turned to go up the basement stairs.

"Wait Rob-" Steve was interrupted by Dustin and Mike shushing him.

Robin wondered what he wanted but she shook her head and went up the stairs.

Robin saw the first door on the left and turned the handle. She opened the door expecting to see a bathroom but instead her eyes met a disgusting scene. Jonathan and Nancy making out. Nancy noticed the door was open and pulled away from Jonathan.

"MIKE YOU LITTLE- oh..." Nancy yelled.

"Shit! Uh Nancy- Um, I'm looking for the bathroom." Robin explained.

Nancy sighed, "it's the last door of the hallway, straight ahead."

Robin nodded and quickly closed the door behind her, this time heading in the right direction.

Robin made her way down the basement stairs, cheeks red. She was unsure if it was out of frustration or embarrassment. What was this strange feeling, swirling deep inside her stomach? Robin made it back into the basement and stared daggers at Dustin and Mike.

"You little mother fucker what the hell was that?!" Robin seethed.

Giggles broke out from Dustin's mouth.

"It was funny," he replied.

"Was not," Robin mumbled, plonking herself next to Steve again.

Mike stood up with a movie in his hand.

"Now that, that incident is over it's time to watch Ghostbusters!!"

Mike placed the tape into the VCR. He wandered by Robin muttering an apology before finding his place on the floor next to Dustin and Eleven. Robin gave him a small smile, it was annoying sure but she wanted to know why her gut felt so weird. It wasn't quite digust, it was a bit of embarrassment and there was something else. The image of Nancy and Jonathan kept replaying back in Robin's mind it was almost enough to make her gag. She did her best to keep her mind off that moment and watch the movie. Robin felt herself getting drowsy but she tried to fight it.

An: hey! Sorry it's been sort of slow right now, I promise it will get more exciting over the next few chapters.

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