"It Was Just A Dream..."

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Robin snapped awake. "It was just a dream..."

Nancy sat at her desk and looked up at Robin.

"What was that?" She asked.

"It was just a dream," Robin said disappointed.

"What was?"

"Um nothing," Robin muttered. "WAIT SHIT WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!"

"Mhm, I can drive you home to get ready." Nancy offered.

"That would be good, thanks."

Robin hadn't registered she just slept in bed with Nancy yet. Too focused on the dream and how it made her feel. Robin grabbed her school bag and followed Nancy down the stairs. She snatched up her converse as she walked out the front door, not bothered to put them on yet. Robin gazed around the neighbourhood and saw a car parked in the shadows. She squinted trying to make out the person in the front staring at them. Nancy hadn't noticed and Robin didn't exactly want to point them out to her. As Nancy started driving, they passed the car and Robin saw the driver. Jonathan Byers.

"Uh, Nance...Jonathan's parked outside your house," Robin mentioned as they went round a corner.


"There was a car outside your house and somebody was watching us walk to your car. I didn't know who it was until we drove past him" Robin explained.

"Fuck," Nancy muttered.

The girls were silent for the rest of the drive. Nancy pulled up at Robin's house. Robin left her bag in Nancy's car and hurried up the path to her house. Nancy followed behind.

"Hey Nance do you mind if I have a quick shower?" Robin asked.

"No, it's fine. I'll just wait in your bedroom?" The last sentence posed as a question.

"Yeah sure," Robin grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom leaving Nancy alone.

Nancy took a quick look around Robin's room. It was a similar set up to her own, a bed, desk and chair as well as a wardrobe. There was one major difference though, there were clothes and stuff scattered across the floor. Nancy was a clean freak, she was aware of that. It made her feel safe to have order in her life. She chewed her lips nervously, hopefully it didn't affect how Robin felt towards her. Nancy decided to sit on the edge of Robin's bed while she waited for the other girl to finish getting ready.

Robin was thinking about her dream from earlier, why did she keep dreaming about Nancy it was so weird.

"Hang on..." Robin remembered she slept in Nancy's bed.


Nancy's head whipped up, concern flashed across her face. She got up and ran to where the sound came from.

"Robin? Is everything ok?" Nancy called through the door.

Robin rubbed her head which she had bumped when she slipped. She shared a bed with Nancy Wheeler...NANCY WHEELER!!

"Fine Nance, just fine." Robin replied.

Nancy decided to leave it at that so she wandered back to Robin's room. It had only been a couple minutes, when Nancy heard the door creak behind her. She turned around to see Robin standing in the doorway with a half smile on her face. She was dressed in her usual style of clothing, something Nancy was not bold enough to try out. Robin leaned against the door frame, eyebrows raised. She flicked her dripping hair back out of her eyes. Nancy stood there, not saying a word.

"Nance?" Robin broke the silence.

"Mmmm," she hummed.

"Earth to Nance, you there?" The taller girl clicked her fingers.

"Wha- yeah! I'm fine, nothing's wrong." She hurriedly responded.

"Right...well I'm ready to go now," Robin shrugged.

"Ok c-cool," Nancy headed for the front door.

Robin followed her to the car, and got in the passenger side. They were about to pull out when Steve parked behind them. Robin turned around and looked at Steve through the back window who had a confused look across his face.

"Do you wanna hitch a ride with Steve? I can just drive alone if you prefer to go with Steve," Nancy asked.

"Uh well, we both could if you want to come over to my place after school to pick up your car?" Robin suggested.

"Sure," Nancy smiled.

Robin snatched her bag from the back. Nancy followed behind, locking her car. The two girls stood there for a bit deciding where to sit. That's when Eddie sat up from the back and rolled his window down.

"Do you girls wanna share the back? I'll ride shotgun," Eddie smiled.

"Sure," the girls looked at each other and shrugged.

Eddie got out and joined Steve in the front while Robin and Nancy sat in the back together. Robin sat behind Steve and glanced at Eddie who was in the passenger seat. She looked at Nancy but when she turned and made eye contact with Robin, the taller girl quickly averted her eyes out the window. Eddie chatted with Steve in the front, Nancy occasionally giving her input. Robin just let herself get lost in thought. She kept replaying the dreams she's been having. What could they mean? Why was she having them? Why were they about Nancy?

"It was just a dream Robin just a dream get over it," she mumbled.

"What was that Robin?" Steve asked, looking at her from the rearview mirror.

"It's nothing Steve," Robin sighed.

Robin caught Nancy giving her a quizzical look. Steve found a parking spot at school and stopped the car. Nancy thanked Steve and got out. Robin hurried after her, tripping over her own feet. Nancy was slightly knocked as Robin had tried to grab her arm for support.

"You ok Robin?" Nancy asked, concern dripping in her voice.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine! Just wanted to walk into school with you." Robin explained.

Nancy smiled and helped Robin regain balance. They walked past a car with a red head staring at them from the driver seat. Robin made eye contact with Vickie, she stopped walking and blinked.

"Robin what's going on? Come on," Nancy prompted.

"N-nothing, coming." Robin caught up to Nancy again.

The bell for first period rung. Robin had band with Vickie. She followed Nancy to her locker.

"What do you have Robin?" The shorter girl asked.

"Band practise."

"I'll walk with you," Nancy stated.

"O-ok," Robin stuttered.

The two girls walked to the music room. Robin opened the door, she turned to say goodbye to Nancy who waved with a smile on her face.

"Robin, why are you hanging out with Nancy Wheeler." Vickie asked harshly.

"Uhm, cuz she's my friend?" Robin felt weird calling Nancy her friend, but it was close enough to what they were.

Nancy smiled as she heard Robin's voice, calling her a friend. She listened to Vickie scoffing before walking off to her own class.

An: sorry this chapter has been kinda boring lol.

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