"He's Not My Fucking Boyfriend!"

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Steve stopped behind Nancy's car and the two got out.

"Uhm, you're still welcome inside if you want." Robin offered, scratching her head nervously.

Nancy gave her a small smile and followed Robin inside. Robin opened the front door and tried to get past the lounge room without being noticed.

"Robin?" Her mum stood in the doorway with her arms crossed. "Who's this young lady with you?"

Robin inhaled deeply, "a friend mum."

She grabbed Nancy's hand and pulled her towards her bedroom. Nancy's cheeks going pink at the contact. Once they reached Robin's room she slammed her door shut and leant against it.

"What was that about?" Nancy asked.

"Nothing, I just don't talk to her much." Robin replied.


Robin decided to take a seat on the floor, leaning her back against the closed door.

"Take a seat, wherever." Robin waved a hand around her room.

Nancy took her shoes off and sat cross legged across from Robin. Nancy looked at the carpet and Robin's gaze rested on the corner of the room.

"So, are you going to Vickie's party?" Nancy broke the silence.

Robin looked at Nancy in disbelief and scoffed.

"Geez Wheeler I thought you knew me better then that, I don't do parties. I'm shocked I was even invited to one. It's for the wrong reasons anyways so why would I take that offer?"

Nancy looked up sadly when Robin called her by her last name. Just this morning she was calling her 'Nance' something only people close to her used.

"I don't know..." Nancy whispered.

Robin sighed, "it's not like it matters anyway, right now right this second I'm with you. We don't need to worry about what might happen if I went to some stupid party."

Nancy looked at Robin and smiled.

"You've called me your friend a few times now, so does that mean we're friends? As in officially?" Nancy asked.

Robin looked into Nancy's eyes before averting them to random objects in her room, "uh, yeah. I-I mean, right?"

"Right," Nancy smiled.

(Yes I took this snippet from season 4 and changed it slightly shhh)

Robin opened her mouth to say something when she heard her mum calling for her.

"Robin! Your boyfriend is on the phone!"

Robin seethed, she knew exactly who her mother was referring to.

"I'll be back, one second." Robin got up and closed the door behind her.

Nancy's face dropped as she heard the word boyfriend. It was stupid, she herself had a boyfriend, so why did it matter?

Robin stomped towards the lounge room and snatched the phone off her mother.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend!" Robin glared at her mother.

"What's up Steve?" Robin's voiced softened.

"Just checking in, how're things going over there?"

Robin smiled a little, "yeah they're alright. Nance and I are officially friends now."

"Ooooh you're official?" Steve teased.

"Shut up, it's not like that," Robin laughed.

"Alright, alright. If you say so! Anyways I actually called to see if you wanted to come to my place? I know it's a school night but my parents are out of town, you can bring Nancy too." Steve offered.

"I would be happy to, give me a second I'll ask Nancy," Robin smiled.

She lowered the phone to her shoulder and turned around, preparing to call out to Nancy. Robin froze as she turned into the girl she was going to call for.


"S-sorry I shouldn't be so close. It's rude of me, you're on the phone, I'll just-"

Robin's eyes flicked from Nancy's eyes down to her lips. It would be a classic move to shut her up with a kiss. But she couldn't ruin their now official friendship. She let out an angry sigh at herself which ended up stopping Nancy's ranting.

"Nance, it's fine. It's just Steve. Uhm about that, do you want to go to his place for the night?" Robin asked.

Steve who was still on the phone laughed to himself at the two girls.

"Uh yeah sure...can I stop by my place and grab some clothes for tomorrow?"

Robin put the phone back to her ear, "we'll be there in about 30."

She hung up the phone and smiled at Nancy, "let's go then."

Robin packed her bag and followed Nancy to the front door.

"Are you not going to tell your mum where we are going?" Nancy asked as they walked down the path to her car.

Robin shrugged, "she doesn't care anyways."

Nancy didn't say anything to that. Once they were in the car Nancy decided to ask the question that was on her mind.

"So um, you and Steve are together? How long has that been going on? I mean I guess I should have picked up on it sooner, you guys are like super close." She cleared her throat before continuing, "no I'm not trying to steal Steve off you or anything. Don't worry I don't have some hidden thing for him."

Robin rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"You really believe that? He's not my boyfriend! Mum won't get it through her thick skull that Steve and I are just friends, always will be. We are Platonic with a capital P, alright? Please don't get any wrong ideas." Robin rambled, reassuring herself and Nancy.

"Platonic and always friends?" Nancy whispered.

Robin forced a smile, "yep!"

Nancy parked in Steve's drive way and grabbed her stuff. Robin followed suit. Steve greeted the two girls with a wide grin and lead them upstairs.

"So I take it both of you are staying the night?" Steve spoke as he opened his bedroom door.

"Uh, yeah why not?" Both girls looked at each other.

"Alright well, we'll have to figure out sleeping arrangements, there's my room, my parents room and the guest bedroom which has a bed and a couch." Steve explained.

"I'll just take the couch," Robin mumbled.

Eddie sat up in Steve's bed and grinned, "I'm stealing Harrington's bed."

Steve rolled his eyes.

"I guess that leaves the guest bed for you Nancy, I'll crash in my parents room."

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