"This Is Our Thing."

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"So this is just staying between us, yeah?" Robin asked.

"I think that would be best," Nancy replied.

"I'm not gonna tell Steve I promise," Robin smiled.

Nancy raised her eyebrows, "you're not telling your best friend that you've got a girlfriend?"

"Nope! This is our thing," Robin giggled poking Nancy again.

Nancy protested as she got poked but she couldn't help but laugh.

"Aw are you ticklish?" Robin teased.

She turned Nancy over onto her back, her knees on either side of the smaller girl's hips. Robin started tickling Nancy, who started writhing underneath Robin.

"Ah, Robin stop. Oh my god," Nancy struggled to get words out between her giggles.

"You'll have to make me," Robin leant down, bringing her face right above Nancy's.

Nancy's eyes glinted mischievously. Taking Robin's words as a challenge. She grabbed Robin's wrists and pulled her down onto her chest. Nancy moved her hands into Robin's hair and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Distracting and effectively shutting Robin up. The taller girl smiled into the kiss, placing her hands on Nancy's cheeks as she kissed back. The two girls pulled apart, gasping for breath. Robin pushed herself up and collapsed onto her back besides Nancy.

"You know, Nance. You told me you'd be giving me all of the middle school experiences. I even had a dream about our first kiss that same night. You were my first kiss," Robin admitted.

"You had a dream about us?" Nancy smiled warmly.

"Uh, yeah...a few," Robin looked at her hands.

"That's a bit cute," Nancy teased.

Robin put her hands to her face, covering her blush.

"Shut up," she muttered.

Nancy smiled and kissed Robin on the cheek. Both of them knew that what they felt for each other was better then anything they had ever experienced.

"I'm glad to see you feeling better Nance," Robin smiled warmly.

Nancy had all but forgotten about today's events. Pushing them away into the back of her mind, because that didn't matter anymore. She was here with Robin Buckley, and this felt more real then anything Jonathan had tried to give her. Part of her still felt guilty and wrong about this but there was no denying the truth behind her feelings. She was happy and that was what mattered. Nancy was glad Robin suggested to keep it between them. Being queer was definitely not something to be loud and proud about with how you'd be treated. Everybody thought it was wrong, but Nancy didn't care. She didn't feel wrong with Robin, she felt like she was free. She wasn't tied to some boy and never would be again.

"Uh, to be honest it's not really bothering me anymore." Nancy realised she hadn't responded yet.

"Oh?" Robin sat up, giving Nancy a questioning look.

Nancy also sat up and didn't look at Robin as she replied, "well- this just feels amazing. Jonathan can't even begin to compare with how I feel with you. It's new, it's different and it's amazing. Never in my life would I imagine being with a girl, but this is better. It's all enough to out weigh the bad."

Robin gave her girlfriend a smile. She buried her face into the crook of Nancy's neck, taking in her intoxicating scent. Nancy leant her head against Robin's and smiled. The two sat there in silence, just enjoying each other's company.

-time skip-

Robin lay awake at 3 am, Nancy curled against her side. She couldn't stop the thoughts of negativity and doubt from clouding her mind. Robin was glad she was with Nancy, she was glad Nancy felt free with her. But what if things were moving way too fast? Robin didn't really understand how these things worked considering this was her first relationship, but Nancy got out of a relationship not even a day ago. What if Nancy was just hurting and didn't actually feel anything towards her? Robin knew Nancy had stated she felt amazing with how things are but was it true? Robin didn't know. She let out a sigh and stared at her roof through the dark. Nancy started mumbling in her sleep, her hands grasping handfuls of Robin's clothes.

"Nance?" Robin's concerned voice echoed in the silent night.

All she got was more mumbling in response, did Nancy always mumble in her sleep?

"Noooo!" Nancy cried in her sleep.

Robin didn't know what to do so she wrapped her arms around Nancy's smaller frame and made soothing noises trying to calm her troubled mind. It seemed to work because Nancy quietened down and snuggled in tighter to Robin's side. The taller girl's heart was beating unnaturally, not used to having such close contact to Nancy yet. Even though Robin was doubting everything, it did in fact explain why she was nervous around Nancy all the time. The girl who Robin was quick to hate was alot more then just a stuck up priss, she wasn't that at all. Robin regretted being so quick to judge Nancy but things had worked out in the end. Robin hugged Nancy tighter and dozed off with her girlfriend in her arms.

An: tis another short chapter sorry I didn't really have a lot of idea for this one 😅

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