"Everything's Complicated."

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"I just don't see why you're wasting your time with her. Little Miss Popular wouldn't be interested in you." Vickie paused, "I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all."

Robin stood there trying to understand what Vickie had said. She understood that Nance probably wasn't interested in her, she was just being nice to Robin. She didn't think she was wasting her time on Nancy though. How can one waste time when you spend it with somebody you enjoy the company of? Robin was also having a hard time understanding why Vickie cared so much about who she hung around, that was Robin's choice not Vickie's. Dismissing her thoughts Robin grabbed her instrument and took her seat, which happened to be next to Vickie. She sat there awkwardly as the teacher was getting them to play this new song for the upcoming basketball game. The freckled face girl kept glancing towards Vickie, each time making eye contact with the red head who smiled at Robin. For the 10th time in the span of 5 minutes Robin made eye contact again, she went bright red and turned away.

"Hey uh, Robin?" Vickie's voice was hesitant.

Her head whipped up and looked at Vickie, "y-yeah?"

"My uh, boyfriend is hosting a party this weekend. You wanna come?" The red head offered.

"M-me? Go to a party?" Robin whispered.

"Well yeah, maybe you could make some actual friends. I've seen you with the freak alot lately, and that co-worker of yours, Steve? Dan says he has a friend you may be interested in who's better then that Steve guy. Could be good for you, you know? Have a drink or two to get your mind straight, stop thinking about Nancy." Vickie rambled.

Nancy who had finished her previous class and was on her way to organise the school paper decided to stop by and say 'hi' to Robin, had heard everything. She stopped in her tracks, hand on the door handle ready to open it. Tears pricked her eyes, dread filling her heart as she awaited Robin's response.

Robin sat there in awe, she was absolutely shocked and couldn't get words to form in her mouth. Vickie, the girl she had a crush on was trying to rip her away from her friends and set her up with some mystery guy? She didn't know what to do, air struggling to fill her lungs. Instead of responding she wanted to run, so she did. She dropped her instrument and ran towards the door. She threw it open with her head down, not realising the girl frozen in the doorway. Robin bumped into Nancy knocking them both over. Nancy made a small wince in pain as she landed on the floor.

"Shit, fuck, Nance?!" Robin pushed herself up.

Nancy was on the floor leaning up a little rubbing her head. Robin's hands propping herself up were on either side of Nancy. They looked into each other's eyes not saying anything. Robin heard Vickie scoff behind her, she turned her head and looked at Vickie who just rolled her eyes. Confusion and betrayal ached Robin's heart. She bit her lip and pushed herself up. Without glancing at Nancy she ran off to the bathrooms as she had planned. Robin locked herself in one of the stalls and sat on the floor, head resting on her knees which were drawn close to her body. Sniffling as she resisted the urge to cry. Robin closed her eyes and tried to block all thoughts out.

"Robin?" A familiar, friendly voice called from outside Robin's stall.

"St-Steve? What're you doing in the girl's bathroom?" Robin's voice wavered. She cleared her throat in an attempt to fix it.

"Uh- well...Nancy asked me to talk to you," he explained.


Robin heard the smile in Steve's voice, "yeah she did."

Nancy stood outside the bathrooms, chewing nervously on her finger nails. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop, but she was too afraid to talk to Robin herself.

"So you wanna talk about your little outburst?" Steve prompted.

"Not really..." Robin sighed, "it's just- it's about Vickie and I guess Nance too. Vickie was being really mean about her, and you. I didn't know what to do, I just knew that I couldn't sit there and listen to her trash my friends. But when I tried to escape everything Nancy was right there. Which isn't a bad thing but I'm not ready to confront her. Especially since I think she heard what Vickie was saying."

Steve listened to Robin's rant without saying a word. He knew it was best to take in everything Robin was saying rather then interupt her flow. Steve also didn't want to prompt her more about Nancy because he knew the girl in question was listening from outside.

"Everything's complicated...I don't like it Steve." Robin finished her rant.

Steve didn't respond for a bit.

"Unfortunately Robin life wasn't made to be easy. But you'll always have me by your side, even if you listen to Vickie and try to leave me in the dirt."

Robin stiffled a sob, "Thanks Steve."

"It's what I'm here for."

An: yes btw Steve is still in high school. Idrk when exactly it's set but it's somewhere between season 2 and 4 without the drama of the upside down LMAO...anywho let's carry on.

Robin went about the rest of her day which dragged because of her classes without thinking about what happened this morning. She didn't think about Nancy after her rant to Steve, she only focused on the clock. Literally watching the seconds tick by. The bell went for home and Robin practically ran out of her last class. She grabbed her stuff from her locker and headed towards Steve's car, forgetting she invited Nancy over for the afternoon. Robin saw Steve leaning against his car waiting for everybody to arrive. Eddie was sitting in the back with the window rolled down.

"Hey Buckley, I heard about the situation with Wheeler so I'll sit in the back with her." Eddie explained.

"Steve told you?!" Robin hissed.

Eddie shook his head, "he said, 'things are complicated right now.' So I'm saving you from the awkward ride in the back."

Robin let out a sigh of relief and got in the front.

"You're lucky I like you Munson." Robin teased.

Eddie smiled and rolled his window up. Steve got in the driver's seat and Nancy arrived, hurriedly getting in the back.

"Am I still dropping you off at Robin's?" Steve asked, filling the air with tension.

Neither girl responded, for a bit.

"I can pick my car up ano-"
"If she's interested ye-"

Both girls started speaking at once. Robin turned in her seat and poked her head around it to look at Nancy who was behind her.

"You...don't want to come over? That's uh," Robin turned back to face the front. "That's fine if you don't want to, I'm not going to force you or anything. You can still pick up your car though, I don't want you to just leave it there."

"I just, wasn't sure if you still wanted me to come over." Nancy replied softly.

"Alright Robin's it is," Steve said.

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