"I Don't Like Men."

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An: I do apologise some of these banner images are a bit dark lol. But I love adding them in <3

An 2: So I'm actually wrapping up the end of the story now so I'm gonna start publishing my drafts more frequently hehe

"So! Eddie rubs his hands together with a grin on his face.

"Let's play truth or dare BUT with a twist," he proposed, his grin widening.

"Come on! Seriously?" Robin huffed.

"Hear him out Robin, it could be fun." Nancy smiled and placed a hand on Robin's arm.

She let out a sigh and plonked herself on the ground. "Fine, fine."

Nancy's smile grew bigger and she too sat on the ground. Eddie shuffled off the bed to join them and Steve took a seat next to him.

"So, you're allowed to refuse dares, but you must then answer a truth. If you then refuse to answer a truth you must take a shot!" Eddie brought out a bottle of vodka and shot glasses.

"Its a school night Eddie! Steve how are you ok with this?" Robin exclaimed.

Nancy looked at Robin, "well you just have to do a truth or dare. You won't necessarily get drunk"

"You too Nance?!" Robin looked at her.

The other girl simply shrugged in response.

"So Buckley, you gonna play?" Eddie prompted.

"Yeah whatever."

"Awesome! Alright Wheeler I pick you," Eddie smirked.

That smirk meant trouble, Robin could tell.

"Dare," she responded with confidence.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room." Eddie crossed his arms and leant back.

Nancy gave Robin a side glance before staring into the floor.

"P-pass," her voice barely a whisper.

"What was that?" Eddie leaned in trying to decipher what she said.

"I pass-" she repeated.

"Alright then, truth it is! Tell us why you're not going to kiss them." Eddie raised his eyebrows.

Nancy once again glanced at Robin, this time she turned her head completely. Robin looked at Nancy confused. Surely it wasn't that hard just to pick somebody? Nancy had kissed Steve many times before.

"I-I have a boyfriend..." was her excuse.

"Ok Wheeler, if you say so. It's your turn." Eddie looked at Steve like 'Is she for real?'

"Robin, truth or dare?" Nancy's confidence was back.

"I choose truth," Robin replied.

"Who do you have a crush on? I know you have one so you can't deny it!" Nancy teased.

"Mm no not happening I pass," Robin put her hand out ready for the shot.

Nancy let out a silent sigh as she watched Eddie pass Robin the shot glass. Robin sculled it down, a shiver running down her spine. There was no way she was telling Nancy Wheeler the straightest girl in town she had a crush on a girl. Especially the girl who was trashing Nancy just this morning.

"Eddie truth or dare?" Robin stared into his deep brown eyes.

Pay back time. Eddie rested his chin on his hand and smiled at Robin.

"Dare, I'm no coward." Eddie responded.

"Kiss Steve," Robin raised her eyebrows, daring he followed through.

"Woah Robin!" Steve and Nancy exclaimed.

"I don't choose this!" Steve said, pointing a finger at Robin.

Nancy turned and looked at Robin, "why are you doing that?!"

Robin didn't reply to either of them, just looked at Eddie as he made a desicion in his mind. In the blink of an eye Eddie pecked his lips on Steve's cheek.

"Didn't specify where!" Eddie poked his tongue out.

Steve looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact with everybody. Robin raised her eyebrows slightly at Steve but didn't say anything.

Many rounds later, Robin was drunk. She constantly refused to answer to truths which resulted her in taking multiple shots. Nancy somehow avoided drinking at all, while Steve and Eddie had taken a couple shots.

"Robin, truth or dare." Nancy said.

"Mmmm truth," she slurred in response.

"Why do you keep avoiding all truth and dares? You're gonna pass out drunk in a minute." Nancy looked at Robin with concern.

"You, you wanna know the full truth Nancy Wheeler?" Robin struggled to form words.

Eddie and Steve looked at each other and back at Robin.

"Yes," Nancy replied shortly.

"It's because...I don't like men- I don't like men Nancy, I'm not little miss perfect after all. You wonder why Steve and I aren't together? It's cuz I like girls! My crush you keep asking about? She's a girl!" Robin rambled.

"O-oh," Nancy was at a loss for words.

"Um, I'm gonna call it a night guys. Robin needs to sleep and we've got school tomorrow." Nancy stood up.

She hooked her arms under Robin's arm pits and tried pulling her up, the taller girl wasn't being helpful.

"Nance! What're you doing," drunk Robin whined.

"Taking you to bed!" Nancy replied through gritted teeth.

With alot of struggle Nancy managed to get Robin to the guest room. Nancy let go of Robin who wobbled a little without the support of the shorter girl. Nancy leaned against the door frame and looked at Robin, deep in thought. "I don't like men." Robin had said. Nancy didn't know what to say. Whenever she looked at Robin she felt something new inside her, something she didn't want to feel. She was in a relationship with Jonathan that's what mattered. Robin stumbled her way towards the bed, nearly collapsing. Nancy rushed to her side and helped her lay in bed. With Robin sitting on the bed Nancy was now taller. She looked down at Robin, staring longer then she intended as she tried to gather her thoughts. She glanced down at Robin's lips and sighed.

"Well, you just tuck yourself in here and I'll take the couch instead. Ok Robin?" Nancy went to turn but felt Robin's hand grasping her own.

"Nance, don't leave me!" Robin whined.

Nancy rolled her eyes playfully, "fine we'll share the bed. How does that sound?"

Robin layed down allowing Nancy to lay beside her. Nancy pulled the covers over the both of them and turned her back to Robin. She turned off the bedside lamp and stared at the wall through the dark. Nancy felt arms wrap around her waist and warm breath tickle her neck. Robin pulled Nancy in close and closed her eyes, taking in Nancy's scent as she dozed off into a deep slumber.

"Oh Robin, what are we going to do? You're not going to remember any of this, but that's ok. Things really are complicated. It's probably better for the both of us if you don't remember," Nancy whispered.

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