"What The Fuck."

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Robin woke up with a jolt.

"What the fuck," she muttered to herself.

Why was she dreaming about Nancy? Robin doesn't dream. Let alone about goodie two-shoe girls. Robin let out a sigh when she realized today was Monday. She had History and English with Nancy. The freckle faced girl crawled out of bed throwing on a flannel shirt over her favourite band shirt, pale blue jeans and her black high top converse.

Robin made her way into the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal for breakfast, there was heaps of time till Steve was going to pick her up. She sat at the dining table, munching away as she let her mind wander. Robin at least had Eddie in her History class, he sat behind Robin and the seat to the right. They never talked just sat in their own isolated bubbles.

Before she knew it, there was a knock on Robin's front door. Robin got up and grabbed her school bag.

"Hey Steve," Robin greeted as she opened the front door.

"Morning," Steve gave her a smile.

The two walked together to Steve's car. Robin got in the passenger seat and threw her bag in the back.

"So," Robin started.

Steve gave her a side-eye look, prompting her to continue.

"How was sleeping with Eddie?" Robin teased.

Steve went bright red, "WHAT?!?!"

"When I woke up Eddie was sleeping on you," Robin smirked.

"Uh...He was playing D'n'D when I woke up Robin. You're probably mistaken." Steve explained.

"What? Noooo," She replied.

Damn it, she thought. But why did he go bright red? Robin decided to drop the subject. Steve pulled into the school car park and found an empty spot. Robin grabbed her bag from the back and got out, staring at the car parked next to them. Of course it was Nancy's car. It was just dumb luck that Steve parked next to her.

"Robin! What's the matter?" Steve called from the driver's side, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's just go," Robin headed for the entrance.

The bell for first period rang, Robin went to her locker keeping her head down like she usually did. She had History first up, Robin grabbed her books and went to her class. Robin was one of the first few people and she walked to her seat, a couple rows from the back. Eddie strolled in, cool and collected as ever. He walked right past Robin seemingly avoiding eye contact today. She brushed it off but noticed a slip of paper had been placed on her desk. Robin turned to look at Eddie who was now seated. He didn't say anything just gestured towards the paper. Robin turned back around and unfolded it.

The note read:
I need to talk to you at lunch. I'll meet you at your locker.

Robin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She turned to face Eddie wanting to ask him what he meant but his gaze was locked onto his desk. What did Eddie want? Robin chewed her lips, hopefully he didn't confess feelings for her. She couldn't see his heart shatter in those dark brown eyes. Robin felt extremely bad when she had to tell Steve the truth. Yes, both of them have moved past that now and were strictly Platonic with a capital P, but Steve's small "oh," of realisation made Robin want to cry. She was lucky Steve was supportive otherwise things wouldn't have gone so nicely. Robin shook her head of thoughts as class had started and she tried to focus on the teacher. Robin glanced at Nancy's seat. Empty. She ended up zoning out for 20 minutes of the class when a sudden outburst from the classroom door shook her out of it.

"Hey, uh sorry I'm late," Nancy apologised as she rushed to her seat.

Robin watched her carefully, taking in details others wouldn't pay attention to. Nancy looked distraught. Her hair was slightly tussled, as if she had been in some sort of fight or been hit by a huge gust of wind. Neither seemed very likely. Nancy's ocean blue eyes skitted around the room, it was as if she were afraid something was going to jump at her from the shadows. Her eyes dashed around not settling on anything or anyone until they met with Robin's own. Robin gulped but didn't break eye contact. She had never been the best at social cues but Nancy's eyes seemed to be screaming "Help me!" Robin was now confused for two reasons. Eddie wanted to talk to her, and something happened to Nancy. She was never late to class, something happened.

History was over and many classes passed, it was now lunch. Robin swallowed down all her emotions as she walked to her locker. Eddie was already there waiting.

"I'm- I'm just going to put my stuff away," Robin explained.

Eddie nodded and shuffled over allowing Robin room to open her locker door. Once she was done Eddie led her to the gym stadium, she followed him under the stands.

"Didn't know you could get under here," Robin coughed slightly at the dust they had kicked up.

"Only someone like me could find a place like this," Eddie responded.

Robin coughed again.

"Takes some getting used to I must admit," Eddie gave her a small smile.

Eddie cleared his throat. Nerves taking over his body, he didn't look at Robin.

"So, I uh, brought you here to talk about Steve," Eddie's voice was barely a whisper.

"Um, what about Steve?" She prompted.

Eddie took a few minutes to respond.

"What is he to you?"

Robin tilted her head, trying to dig at the deeper meaning to this question.

"He's my best friend. It's not what you think I promise we're strictly platonic. That's um Platonic with a capital P, yeah? If this is some long way to find out if I'm single, I'm sorry Eddie I'm not interested. It's not because of you I promise, you're an amazing guy but I don't see you like that. Because um-" Robin started over explaining.

"Robin I know," Eddie let out a hearty laugh.

Robin paused, "you do?"

Eddie smiled, he placed a finger on her sternum. "You are like me," He then points at himself.

An: hi Imma be really annoying and stop the chapter here lmao. Look I know there hasn't been much ronance this chapter but I need my build up to Steddie too <3 t'was stated in the blurb there would be Steddie sooooo yeah. Plus I plan on writing Steve's pov of this story but a Steddie fanfiction. So you'll get some exclusive content in that fanfiction for Steddie that isn't here :P

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