"Nancy The 'Slut' Wheeler."

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An: idk if this needs like a slur (?)/foul language warning cuz it's in the title but yk bad word will be mentioned (I sound like a child saying "bad word" but all well) also definitely a slur coming up that ain't in the title, and just a non consent warning (s/a but idrk if it should be called that so ye)

Eddie where are we going, seriously?" Nancy huffed out.

"You'll see," he responded in a flat voice, not even stopping his fast pace.

Robin paused, hands on her knees and puffing trying to catch her breath.

"Geez Robin!" Steve stopped in his tracks realising his best friend was no longer by his side.

"I just- I need...a minute," Robin panted.

Nancy had stopped and turned to look at Robin who was pale and ready to pass out. She walked to Robin's side and linked her hand into the taller girl's not caring anymore. She smiled reassuringly at Robin and pulled her along as she tried to catch up to Eddie. The four were now on the main street of Hawkins, Eddie stopped a few metres away from the Hawkin's Movie Theatre. Under the movie title "All The Right Moves" in big bold red spray painted writing was the words "Starring Nancy the SLUT Wheeler." Robin felt Nancy's hand let go of her own. She looked at the smaller girl who stood there in shock, tears brimming her eyes, threatening to spill over. Anger seeped into Robin's body, who would be so messed up to do this? The answer called out to them.

"Look guys there's the star of the show!" Jonathan called out.

The four of them looked towards the voice to see Jonathan and a bunch of others standing in an alleyway. Robin couldn't help herself she stormed over, ignoring Steve and Nancy's protests.

"Oi you little shit!" Robin grabbed Jonathan's shirt. "Get rid of that nasty shit up there now!"

"Or what? You gonna punch me?" Jonathan mocked, "why do you care about that slut anyways, you one of those queers? Is that why she's been hanging around you so much? You've turned her into a fucking dyke!"

Jonathan nudged Robin to the ground, tears stung her eyes from her frustration. The other three ran over, Nancy kneeling down to see is Robin was alright.

"What the hell Jonathan not cool!" Steve yelled.

"Aw King Steve is gonna hurt me," he whined mockingly before laughing.

Jonathan swung his right fist into Steve's jaw knocking him back. Steve spat out blood that had formed in his mouth and sighed.

"Alright now I'm really pissed!" Steve sent Jonathan to the ground like he had to Robin.

"Hey freak!" Jason provoked Eddie, wanting to get into a fight.

Eddie seethed trying his best not to get into it with Jason. Jason wasn't buying it though and marched towards Eddie.

"What you think you're better then me, is that it?" Jason got right in Eddie's face.

Jason grabbed the front of Eddie's shirt and pulled him to the ground, the two tackling each other trying to win.

"You're a piece of work Jason I swear to god." Eddie sighed through his gritted teeth.

Robin looked into Nancy's worried eyes, "I'm fine don't worry about me. What are we going to do about them?"

Nancy bit her lip, unsure of how to answer. The two girls watched awkwardly for a moment, trying to formulate a plan to break up the fights but nothing they came up with seemed plausible. That's when Vickie wandered up to the girls, wanting to start some drama herself.

"Come on, Robin. There's no need to hide anymore just come with me and leave this loser, Wheeler behind." Vickie smiled bitterly, holding out her hand to help Robin off the ground.

Nancy swatted Vickie's hand away from Robin.

"You leave her out of this alright?" Nancy glared at the red head.

Jonathan had taken notice in the interaction between the girls, he shoved Steve aside and marched over in an attempt to distract Nancy enough for Vickie to get a hold of Robin.

"Nancy, please understand I'm just greaving. I don't want to do all of this, but you've hurt me!" Jonathan spat out lies.

He had a firm grip on Nancy's wrist, opening the perfect opportunity for Vickie to grab Robin. Vickie pulled Robin up despite her protesting and pulled her along through an alley and into a private space.

"Vickie, what are you doing! Let me go," Robin tried freeing her arms.

"Why would I do that when we're all alone now, it's just you and me," Vickie ran her hand up Robin's thigh.

Robin didn't understand what was going on, she wanted to get back to Nancy and just hold her tight. She had liked Vickie but that was in the past, she had Nancy now and that was all she needed. Vickie never showed interest in even talking to Robin but now she was all over her. It was confusing and her heart was pounding, her mind wasn't thinking straight. Vickie leaned in, almost kissing Robin on the lips.

"I've been wanting this for a while Robin, but you know what people are like. Luckily Jonathan said he'd help me as long as I helped him first." Vickie explained, whispering in Robin's ear.

"Wh-what happened to Dan?" Robin stuttered, trying to distract the girl who had her pushed into a corner.

"Oh him? He doesn't know about this, he won't find out about it either." Vickie smirked.

Vickie's hand moved up Robin's shirt and up her back. She moved her lips along Robin's collar bone and up her neck. Robin clamped her mouth shut as Vickie hit a nerve, she was not encouraging the girl. She tried to push Vickie off of her but her arms were practically pinned to her sides. Robin closed her eyes, praying that Nancy had gotten away from Jonathan or even Steve had seen where they went and gone after them. She felt warmth on her lips, opening her eyes to realise Vickie was kissing her.

"Mm-mmmm!!" Robin wiggled trying to get Vickie off.

The red head pulled away, "stop squirming! You're not helping Robin."

"Hey! Get the fuck off of Robin!" Relief filled Robin has she heard her best friends voice.

Steve ran up to the two girls and pulled Vickie away from Robin, pulling his best friend into his arms.

"God are you ok?" He whispered.

"Yeah, she didn't get too far. Thanks," Robin wrapped her arms around Steve.

That's when Eddie and Nancy came running round the corner. Vickie had disappeared, choosing the smart choice and avoiding conflict.

"Oh my god Robin!" Nancy wrapped her arms around Steve and Robin.

"H-hey Nance," Robin chuckled a little.

"They ran away like scaredy cats once the police turned up. Somebody must of called them," Eddie explained.

It had gotten dark so the four had went their separate ways. Nancy guided Robin to her car near the library so they could drive to Robin's place.

An: this chapter was a bit dark so sorry if that's something you're uncomfortable with, the rest of the story will be sweet (with some other drama obvs)

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