"What Happened Last Night?"

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Robin groaned as she woke up with a thumping headache. She sat up and rubbed her forehead, blinking to adjust to the warm light. Steve walked past the guest room and glanced through the open door, doubling back when he saw Robin awake.

"Good afternoon sleepy head," Steve smirked.

"Wh-what happened last night? Where's Nancy?" Robin asked.

"You got blackout drunk and admitted to Nancy you like girls as well as ramble endlessly, you know, like you do. As for where she is, at school. You know Nancy wouldn't miss a day of school," Steve explained.

"Y-you said afternoon. Did I really sleep that long?" Robin grumbled.

"Fraid so Robin," Steve gave a sympathetic smile towards his best friend.

"I can drive you home if you want?" He offered.

Robin sat there thinking for a second, "yeah, sure. In-in a little bit though. Need a minute to wake up."

"Just tell me when, I'll be in my room." Steve smiled before walking down the hall.

Robin racked her brain, trying to form a memory of what had happened last night. She remembered they played truth or dare, Eddie kissing Steve on the cheek. Nancy refused a dare. Robin herself refusing lots of truths. That's when things had gotten fuzzy. After the first 3 questions aimed at her, Robin couldn't remember a thing. She looked around confused, she had told Nancy she was going to sleep on the couch. Did she really sacrifice the comfortable bed just for Robin? She really couldn't remember a thing, it sort of worried Robin. What if she had done something super embarassing? With that in her mind, Robin got out of the guest bed and made her way towards Steve's room. The door was closed but Robin didn't think to knock so she swung it open. Steve lay on his back, hands behind his head while Eddie lay on his stomach beside him. The two looked up at Robin, stopping their conversation.

"Ah she's awake!" Eddie grinned.

"Um, did I do anything like really bad last night? I mean besides telling Nancy I like girls?" Robin asked.

The two boys looked at each other then turned their gaze back at Robin.

"You'll have to ask Nancy I'm afraid," Steve smiled softly.

"Oh- alright." Robin mumbled, looking at the floor.

"That's because Wheeler took you to bed right after that Robin, we don't actually know what happened after you guys left." Eddie explained, attempting to ease the worry that was clear on Robin's face.

"She- Nance took me to bed?" Robin looked up.

"Mhm, dragged your drunk ass all on her own. Insisted you get some sleep." Eddie smiled, "after that we don't know."

Robin looked back down and played with her hands nervously. She could feel her cheeks warning up, Nance really did that for her? For a nobody like Robin? She turned and went back to the guest room in an attempt to hide her blushing and the smile that creeped across her face at the thought.

-time skip cuz I'm lazyyyy-

Robin layed on her bed, staring at her roof. She wanted to ask Nancy about what had happened last night but how and when? Randomly bring it up at school? Ask Steve to drive her to Nancy's house? All of these options seemed stupid so Robin lay there in defeat.

"Robin! You've got a phone call!" Her mother called out.

Robin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Who would be calling her? Only Steve and her mother didn't say it was her "boyfriend". She got out of bed and grabbed the phone of her mother.

"Hello?" Robin greeted the person through the phone.

"Hey, Robin! It's Nancy. Um, I asked Steve for your number so I hope that's ok." Nancy's voice instantly calmed Robin's nerves.

"Oh Nance, yeah no it's fine. No worries at all. What were you calling for?"

"Um, just wanted to check up on you. Sort of left you to your own devices this morning."

Robin smiled, Nancy Wheeler the most popular girl in Hawkins was checking up on her, Robin Buckley a nobody.

"Yeah, besides a massive headache I'm fine. Oh and the lack of memory that's been pissing me off all day. Do you mind filling me in on what happened last night."

Nancy took a while to respond, Robin looked at the wall as she waited.

"Um...I took you to bed and you passed out. That's pretty much it."

"Oh, ok." Robin responded. "Um, how was school?"

"It was, alright. I worked on our English project a bit more. Didn't want to do too much without my partner though. Did some work for the school newspaper." Nancy's voice fell kind of flat.

Robin could tell she was hiding something. Nancy should be over excited talking about school, this was Nancy after all.



"Did something happen today?" Robin asked, her voice dripping with obvious concern.

"What? No! Why would you think that? Things are fine. Nothing happened," Nancy rushed to reassure Robin.


"Nothing happened!" Nancy insisted.

"Alright, alright. I'll believe you," Robin laughed to hide how worried she was.

"Well, now that I know you're ok I'll see you around. I've got some stuff to do." Nancy ended the conversation, hanging up before Robin could say goodbye.

Robin will find out what happened. She would get it out of Nancy. She put the phone back and went back to her room closing the door. She paced back and forth, trying to figure out just what it could be. Something happened at school, something Nancy didn't want to talk about. Or was it something Robin had done? Robin sat in her bed placing her face in her hands.

"Oh god what if I did something super bad and Nance won't tell me?" Robin mumbled to herself.

Robin was unsure if she wanted to find out now but she needed to know. If she had done something to upset Nancy she wanted to fix it. She stopped her thoughts for a second. What if...

An: mwahahah I love cliffhangers. Love y'all <3

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