"You Had A Hallway Crush On Me?"

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"Are we moving too fast?" Robin blurted out before she could stop herself.

Nancy who was driving them to school quickly glanced at the speedometer of her car, paranoid, "What?!"

"Us," Robin moved a hand between her and Nancy. "Are we moving too fast?" She emphasized 'we'.

"I'm not following," Nancy replied.

"I just- I love this, I love us but we got together the same day you and Jonathan split," Robin couldn't stop the worry gnawing at her gut.

"I liked Barb," Nancy responded quickly.

"What?! What does she have to do with this?" Robin looked at Nancy absolutely confused.

"I used to have a crush on Barb. If you're worried about me just using you as a rebound you don't need to. Barb always talked about you, like all the time and I was jealous. I thought it was just the regular 'I'm jealous she's got another friend' sort of thing. But it wasn't. She wouldn't stop talking about you, I wanted her to talk about me like that." Nancy glanced at Robin, explaining more then she needed to reassure her.

"You've liked girls this whole time?" Robin muttered.

"Yep. But I didn't understand. I dated Steve, trying to be normal. It didn't end well for the either of us, and Jonathan was a distraction. I know this makes me sound like a horrible person but have you ever met a "popular girl" who doesn't date guys? I was stuck between what I wanted and what was considered normal." Nancy's gaze was heavily fixed on the road.

"What was Jonathan a distraction for?" Robin asked.

"A distraction from you," Nancy responded, pulling into the school car park.

"Me? You had a hallway crush on me?" Robin half yelled.

Nancy grinned, "maybe."

Robin giggled slightly, pulling Nancy into a hug. "You're full of surprises Nance."

An: just wanted to put in a small explanation scene because I thought to myself they had gotten together pretty quick lol

Robin walked by Nancy's side into school, her bag full of clothes slung across her back. She kept glancing at Nancy and smiling at how beautiful she was. The bell for first period went and the two girls split up to grab their things. Robin closed her locker door and turned around nearly bumping into Nancy who was waiting patiently behind her.

"Oh! Hey Nance," Robin grinned.

"Ready for class?" Nancy smiled back softly.

Robin gave a nod and wrapped an arm around Nancy's shoulders. Nancy cast a worried glance towards Robin.

"It's fine, I promise. It's just a friendly gesture," Robin reassured her.

Nancy wasn't convinced but as they were a few feet from their class a boy from the year below them ran up to the girls. He didn't take any notice of Robin or her arm around Nancy.

"Uh- H-Hi Nancy." The smallish boy grinned nervously, "I-I wrote this for you." He shoved something into her hands and ran off.

"See," Robin shrugged, removing her arm from Nancy. "Didn't even notice me. You going to read the note?"

Nancy shook her head slightly, discarding the envelope into a near by bin and continued by Robin's side to class.

-time skip-

It was now lunch and Robin dashed out of her class to meet up with Nancy at her locker. Fortunately they had class afterwards together, their English project was almost finished.

"Oh Robin, hey!" Nancy greeted Robin who stood catching her breathe.

"H-hey Nance," Robin grinned.

"Is something up?" Nancy closed her locker and questioned the girl.

"I want to take you somewhere nice, follow me!" Robin started pushing through the crowd.

Nancy recovered from her shock and sped up her pace to catch Robin. Realising where they were headed Nancy slowed. One of the last few places Jonathan and her had spent together, the indoor gym. Robin sensed the slight discomfort from Nancy and turned to reassure her.

"It will just be us, I have a special spot too." Robin grasped Nancy's hand.

Robin lead Nancy to the place Eddie took her to a week ago to talk. Luckily it had been regularly used as a hiding place for Eddie therefore less dust being kicked up. The taller girl brought Nancy in close, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Somewhere private for the two of us," Robin explained.

"You're a genius Robin," Nancy smiled and wrapped her arms around Robin.

The two just stood there in each other's arms, a comfortable silence settling on them. Robin pulled away slightly, leaning down to close the gap between their faces. Nancy stood on her tiptoes to close the gap when they were interrupted by loud yelling.

"Whoop!" Eddie yelled, his voice echoing in the almost empty gym.

Nancy quickly pulled away from Robin much to both their disappointment. Moments later Eddie appeared, ducking under the stands with a Steve Harrington in tow.

"Oh Buckley, Wheeler. What are you doing here?" Eddie questioned looking at the two.

"Hanging out," Robin replied glancing at Nancy who was staring into space.

"Mhm is that all?" A mischevious grin spread across Eddie's face.

"Nothing happened Eddie," Nancy spoke up, seemingly annoyed.

"Ah we interrupted did we?" Eddie raised his eyebrows.

Neither girl responded.

"That's what I thought," Eddie plonked himself down.

He patted the ground next to him, "come on no need to be all grumpy we're all friends here."

The other three sat down, Robin and Steve on either side of him and Nancy in between those two, forming a circle. Eddie starts chatting about random things, Steve couldn't keep his eyes off him and Robin noticed this.

"Seeing something you like?" Robin whispered into her best friend's ear.

"Shut up," he responded giving Robin a friendly shove with his shoulder.

The bell rung, signalling the end of lunch. Both Robin and Nancy immediately stood up.

"Oh come on guys! You're not seriously going to class are you?" Eddie whined.

"We have a project to finish, plus Nance never misses a minute of school." Robin wrapped an arm around Nancy and walked off.

Eddie rolled his eyes at Steve, "they're so boring."

"At least we'll be alone Munson," Steve grinned.

Robin giggled to Nancy as they walked out of the gym, "they're so silly."

Nancy couldn't help but laugh in response.

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