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Calliope never approves of willingly venturing into dark, creepy dungeons

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Calliope never approves of willingly venturing into dark, creepy dungeons.

However, Gaius has seemed to make this activity into a fun past time as he walks down to the burial vaults with Merlin and Calliope close behind him. He has a theory, which he has not shared, that could explain why the black knight survived a deathly blow.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Merlin asks.

They descend down the long staircase; their footsteps echoing through the dusty air.

"You're not scared are you?"

Merlin throws out his hands, "No, I love old crypts."

"Yeah, who doesn't love adventures through creepy, probably haunted, burial vaults?" Calliope adds.

A large banging noise--the gate from above slamming shut, causes all three of them to stop. Okay, yeah this place is definitely fucking haunted. Calliope thinks as her eyes shoot to Gaius.

"Must have been a gust of wind," Gaius glances around. The gate shutting caused their surroundings to darken significantly. "We should've brought a torch."

Merlin notices an unlit torch on the wall beside him. The young sorcerer holds out his hand, focusing on the torch as he lets out an incantation.


The torch becomes alive with heat, and a small chuckle leaves Gaius's lips.


"Yeah, nice one, wizard boy."

The three of them venture further into the vaults until they come to a large room full of ornately decorated coffins. All of the coffins are covered in dust and spiderwebs, and Calliope can hear the sound of rats screeching across the floor. her skin feels itchy and crawly at the sight of so many spiders.

Being in this room makes the air around Calliope feel eerie. She wants to get out of there as soon as possible.

Merlin shines the torch around the coffins.

"What are we looking for?"

"Bring your torch over here," Gaius points to the left at the back row of coffins.

Merlin and Calliope follow Gaius, "We're breaking into somebody's grave."

When Calliope's eyes land on the coffin Gaius is talking about, her eyes widen.

"We're too late. I think someone has already broken out."

The coffin is empty. Rubble surrounds the grave where a giant hole sits in the middle. Calliope and Merlin share a nervous glance as what this means dawns on them both.

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