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When Merlin hobbles through the door, drenched in rotten fruit, Calliope holds in laughter as she munches on a fresh apple

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When Merlin hobbles through the door, drenched in rotten fruit, Calliope holds in laughter as she munches on a fresh apple. Gaius stops sweeping the floor, looking the young sorcerer up and down with a hidden smile of amusement.

"Have you been playing with your food again?"

Merlin shoots Gaius an annoyed look as he strolls past him, "The King put me in the stocks."

Calliope takes another bite of the juicy, red apple, "What'd you do this time, wizard boy?"


Knowing the truth that Merlin probably got caught in his lies about Arthur's whereabouts, Calliope lets out a quiet huff of frustration. She's just glad that she's not the only one with suspicions about Sophia. Morgana is troubled with constant worry about the Prince when he's around her.

Merlin turns to Gaius, "Honestly it wasn't my fault. Arthur wanted to get out of going on patrol with Uther and the guard so I covered for him and took the blame."

"And Arthur was prepared to let you do this?"

Merlin glances over his shoulder, "It was his idea."

Gaius gives Merlin a curious look, "And what made him neglect his duties? It must have been something terribly important."

Calliope lets out a bark of sarcastic laughter, "Yeah, real important alright."

Merlin nods, "Sophia."

Gaius glances between Merlin and Calliope, "The girl from the forest?"

"He wanted to take her out for the day. He is besotted."

"But they've only just met," Calliope looks back at Gaius, getting the feeling that he too shares his own suspicions.

"I know," Merlin turns around. "I guess it must've been love at first sight--" Merlin is cut off by Calliope's apple colliding with the back of his head. "Ow! Damn it, Cal!"

Caliope crosses her arm over her chest with a pinched expression, "Love at first sight isn't a real thing," she says.

"Why did you throw an apple at my head?"

Calliope shrugs, "You were in the stocks, and I missed it. I had to get my throw in."

A grin covers his lips as he shakes his head, "No, I think... I think you're just jealous that Arthur is showing interest in another girl."

Rising to her feet with a glare, Calliope points at him, "Do you want to get the shit beat out of you, wizard boy?"

With a laugh, Merlin takes a step closer to her, a wide grin lifting his face, "Calliope, do you have a crush on Prince Arthur?"

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