𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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The low murmuring of the royal court escalates in the air as Calliope fidgets with her thumbs

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The low murmuring of the royal court escalates in the air as Calliope fidgets with her thumbs. She awaits the King's arrival in the Throne Room, carrying out different scenarios in her head. Will the King storm in with anger and order Calliope out of the city because of his embarrassment? Will he simply tell her that even though she won the fights, she cannot help with the knight's training because he can't see past the fact that she's a woman? Or, in an unlikely turn of events, will he honor the deal? Calliope can only guess as her eyes dart to the doors every so often.

When the heavy, double doors are pulled open abruptly, Calliope straightens her back. Her gaze flickers to King Uther, walking in with his shoulders almost as high as his ego. Arthur comes in behind him, offering Calliope a nervous glance, and she knows without a doubt that the King isn't pleased.

Uther doesn't utter a word as he sits on his throne above everyone else. Calliope faces him with the same confident stare as always. Arthur stands to his right, and Calliope is unable to read his guarded expression. Finally, Uther raises his eyes to Calliope.

"You have proven that you are a skilled fighter, Calliope," he says, "but I will not allow you to have anything to do with the knight's training."

"Father-" Arthur steps forward, but Uther raises his hand.

"My decision is final. I will not have a woman involved with the Knights of Camelot."

Arthur shakes his head at his father, "Have you ever seen someone fight the way she does?" He points to Calliope. "She has a fighting style that I believe can be beneficial to our defenses." A disbelieving scoff filters from Uther's lips as Arthur continues, "I oversee all of the training, and I think having Calliope there as a sparring partner will help the knights increase their skills," his eyes fall to her. "I will do all of the training myself, and Calliope will simply be a challenging opponent to test them."

Uther brings his hand to his chin with his eyes on Calliope as he contemplates his son's suggestions, "Fine. She can be a sparring partner," he rises to his feet, "but if I find out she's overstepping, she'll be thrown in the dungeons for disobeying her King." His eyes meet hers. "Am I understood?"

Calliope nods surprised he even agreed to Arthur's suggestion, "Yes, Sire, of course. Thank you."

King Uther strides down from his Throne, leaving the room with obvious resentment on his face. Calliope exhales a breath of disbelief, relieved that she finally gets to do something besides mixing potions all day.

Her gaze rises to meet the intense blue of Arthur's eyes. She shakes her head, a smile overcoming her lips as she walks up to him and punches his arm lightly.

"Somehow, you managed to do the impossible," she says as he matches her smile with his own.

He shrugs, his eyes sparkling with fondness, "Well, you proved everyone wrong. You showed them what kind of fighter you really are," he leans closer to her, "and I think you might have terrified some of the guards."

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