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Just a PSA: I made a minor change to the episode to fit this plot

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Just a PSA: I made a minor change to the episode to fit this plot. When Arthur and Calliope stumble upon Nimueh in the woods, she uses an enchantment to change the way she looks because she knows Calliope has seen what she looks like. Okay, that's all. Enjoy!

♛ ♛ ♛

Tapping her foot on the ground anxiously, Calliope lets out a frustrated huff as she scans the courtyard for Arthur, who is extremely late. Merlin is running out of time; they can't afford to be late. She wonders what could be holding him up as her eyes lift to the window of his room where she can see a shadow moving around in the orange candlelight. Calliope decides to go get him, putting one front in front of the other in a brisk walk.

When she arrives at his room, the double doors are wide open. She spots him leaning over the fireplace, already dressed in his chainmail and riding boots. Calliope throws her hands up in question as she steps into his room.

"What the hell is taking you so long? We need to go."

His blue gaze stays in the crackling flames below him," My father ordered the guards to make sure I don't leave the castle."

"Okay, so?"

Arthur turns away from her, "So, it's a complicated situation, Calliope. There's a lot at stake here."

Unbelief flashes in her eyes, "That's it then? You're just going to sit in here on your ass and let Merlin die?"

Arthur turns, taking a few steps towards her as he speaks, "If I don't make it back, who will become the next King of Camelot?"

As he stops in front of her, Calliope shrugs, "I'm sure they'd think of someone," Arthur rolls his eyes as she continues. "Arthur, you're the only one who gets to decide what kind of King you want to be, not your father. So, you can be a King that sits on his throne all day and follows every rule, or you can be a King willing to risk his life for others, even if it's just for a servant, and fuck what everyone else thinks about it," Calliope reaches to the table where his sword sits. She holds it out in front of him. "It's your decision."

Arthur's blue eyes flicker from his sword to Calliope—for once thankful for her blunt attitude. She raises an eyebrow, awaiting his answer. One more moment of contemplation passes before Arthur takes his sword out of Calliope's hands with determination flaring in his expression.

"Let's go."

Calliope bows her head in a nod. Both of them turn, walking to the door and peering into the empty hallway. Arthur motions for Calliope to follow him as they step out of his room. Taking silent steps, they descend the spiral staircase at the end of the hallway.

At the bottom of the staircase, Arthur holds up his hand as sounds of heavy footsteps reach Calliope's ears. She pushes herself deeper into the darkness, hidden from the bright moonlight cascading through the large windows that create unique crisscross patterns on the stone floor. She watches from the shadows as the guards walk by them, oblivious to the two people hiding in the staircase.

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