𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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"Alright, everyone

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"Alright, everyone. Listen closely."

Standing on the training grounds as Arthur addresses the knights is a victorious feeling to Calliope. This is her first official day on the job --basically, she's there to knock the knights on their asses-- and she is excited. She holds in an enormous grin as the knights glance over her with uncertainty, but also a hint of intimidation from seeing her fights last week.

In particular, she's looking forward to sparring with Sir Henry. She's already kicked him in the throat once, and she's been dying to do it for a second time. She meets his eyes, giving him a threatening smirk, and he breaks eye contact with her immediately.

"Calliope is an extremely skilled fighter, and today she will be testing your knowledge of hand-to-hand combat," Arthur says as he walks in front of the knights. "While fighting with a sword is ideal, sometimes in battle, you get disarmed."

Calliope steps forward, "Prince Arthur here will be helping me demonstrate," oh, she's been waiting for this. She pats him on the shoulder, "the pressure points you should aim for on your opponent." She looks to knights. "Every hit should count and be accurate."

Arthur lets out a sigh as he opens his arms, "Just get this over with, Calliope."

"Let's start with an easy one," she slaps her palm against his nose suddenly. He stumbles back as the blow causes his eyes to tear up, and he curses under his breath. "The nose. This will blur their vision for at least a few seconds by causing their eyes to water." As Arthur gives her a glare, Calliope grabs his thumb, bending it back towards his wrist. "The hand. Bend it far enough, and you can break a finger."

She lets him go, "I think you're enjoying this too much."

"The shoulder muscle," she says wide a wide grin, grabbing his arm and twisting it around painfully so his elbow faces her. "At this angle, you can break their arm by slamming your fist into their elbow." She turns to the knights. "Fun, right?" Arthur curses again as she lets him go, "The jaw."

"Bloody hell."

Calliope punches his jaw just hard enough to make it hurt.

"The throat," she glances to Sir Henry as she hits Arthur's throat with her hand. "Sir Henry knows all about that one."

The knights chuckle as Sir Henry gives her a look of daggers.

"The kidneys."

He grunts in response to her foot colliding with his left kidney.

"The knees."

She kicks in his right knee.

"And last for today," she really enjoys the next one. "The groin." She knees his groin, and Arthur doubles over in pain. Turning to the knights as Arthur recovers, she motions for them to pair up, "Now, it's your turn."

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