𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊

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When night falls on the village of Ealdor, the people have gathered in the largest house in town, huddled around a crackling fire

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When night falls on the village of Ealdor, the people have gathered in the largest house in town, huddled around a crackling fire. The morale is low after Matthew's death--no one seems prepared mentally to fight Kanen tomorrow. Calliope twiddles with her dagger as she leans against the wall waiting for Arthur to give his big speech before the hours of battle dawn on them with the morning sun. Low murmurs mingle through the air as Merlin comes to stand at the blonde's side. They both hope that Arthur has one hell of a speech planned; maybe he could even convince Will that fighting is the right action.

"Tomorrow morning, the women and children should gather what belongings they can carry and go to the woods."

"They should be given the choice to fight if they want," Calliope pushes herself off the wall, catching the attention of the gathered townspeople. The Prince's gaze flickers across the room to meet her stare.

"None of them know how to fight. It's too dangerous."

Calliope scoffs, "So they should cower in the woods, and let invaders pillage through their homes? The homes they helped build and raise children in? Everyone, no matter who they are, no matter if they are a man or a woman, deserves to make the choice to fight for their village. If they want make a stand against Kanen, then they damn well should be given the chance."

Every woman in the room takes a step closer to the circle of men around the fire; closer to Calliope as she awaits Arthur's answer. All of them have a glint in their eyes, a determination to protect their homes. 

If Uther was here, he'd command them to obey him, but Arthur is not his father.

He gives the women a small nod, "This is your home. If you want to fight to defend it, that's your choice. I'd be honored to stand alongside you," There's a small, unspoken moment between Calliope and Arthur as she gives him a subtle nod. "Kanen attacks tomorrow, and he's brutal. He fights only to kill, which is why he will never defeat us."

It's hard not to admire the way everyone in the room looks at Arthur; with so much respect that isn't demanded, but earned. He's a leader they would chose, and they trust him to take them into battle tomorrow.

"Look around," Arthur says. "In this circle, we are all equals. You're not fighting because someone's ordering you to. You're fighting for so much more than that. You fight for your homes," his eyes flicker to where Calliope leans against the wall. "You fight for your families. You fight for your friends. You fight for the right to grow crops in peace. And if you fall, you fall fighting for the nobliest of causes--fighting for your very right to survive. When you're old and grey you'll look back on this day, and you'll know you've earned the right to live every day in between."

There are small moments when Calliope gets a glimpse into what Arthur would be like as King, and as he inspires these people, she can't help the warming of her heart, not only for him, but for the world he could make. The peace and prosperity he could bring to his kingdom. 

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