𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖔𝖓𝖊

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( TRIGGER WARNING: there is a scene of attempted sexual assault in this chapter. i will mark the beginning and end of the scene**** for anyone who wishes to skip it. also trigger warning for some gruesome violence and gore. this is where the mature rating starts for real so buckle your seatbelts friends.

 this is where the mature rating starts for real so buckle your seatbelts friends

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Calliope is forced to change into the clothes thrown inside her cell. Her anger is like a simmering pot as several men stand outside with sly grins, awaiting the show. She has no where to hide, so the assassin faces the group of bandits, her gaze drilling into each of them with a fierceness that causes a few to look away as she pulls her shirt over her head, but she is not given one shred of decency from those tasked with guarding her. She feels exposed and vulnerable like this, but she does not let herself feel afraid.

It's hard to even call the garments she's wearing clothes. The red shirt covers her breasts in a crisscross pattern and then ties below her belly button, almost exposing her fully. The matching skirt has two long slits on both of her thighs, and she is given no shoes. Her bare feet pad against the stone floor as she stands in front of the open door.

Kendrick steps forward, grabbing her arm roughly, "Hengist is looking forward to your presence tonight."

The assassin keeps her mouth closed, her darkened eyes sparking with the thirst for blood, and she almost sees Kendrick recoil, but he clears his throat and shoves her into the hallway.

Echoes of drunken laughter and voices reach her ears before she's even thrown into the dining hall, where a long table sits in front of a tall wooden cage. There's an opening covered by metal bars that leads below the earth, and Calliope is all to familiar with what lies beneath it.

Hengist sits at the head table, enjoying a feast with his men celebrating. indulging in the pleasures of wine and the women forced to sit on their laps. Calliope has a flashback to when she sat at that head table, dining with Hengist and getting him so drunk, he wouldn't awake to her breaking into his vault.

The blonde is stopped in front of the table where Hengist looks down at her, his lips turning up into a wicked smile, "Well, don't you clean up nicely?" He turns to his men. "Doesn't our guest look...nice?"

He is answered with whoops and cheers and the disgusting gazes of all the bandits focus shifting to Calliope.

Calliope clenches her fists so hard, her fingernails draw blood from her palms.

His eyes rake over her body in a way that makes bile rise to her throat, "Do you really have nothing to say?"

The blonde shakes her head, "My thoughts cannot be shared with words," blue eyes narrow, images of every way she could kill Hengist flashing through her mind, "only daggers."

Hengist nearly flinches, but he simply nods to the men holding her in place, "Throw her in the ring." His men cheer again, and Calliope finds herself in the cage. The bandits shift so they can get a front row view of the chaos about to unfold. "Let's see how good this little bitch actually is!"

THE RED DRAGON | MERLINWhere stories live. Discover now