𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

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The ride back to Camelot is quiet.

Calliope's mind races as she tries to process everything that has happened. Dying and coming back, facing Sepharin and sparing him, and finally, learning her mother was sold to a slaver eight years ago.

It's hard for Calliope to grasp that she finally has her freedom after all these years of having a dark presence following her everywhere she went. She has to pinch her arm in order to show herself that she really is alive; that the dagger really did bring her back.

The blood wraiths are gone, but her work will not be finished until her mother is safe and sound. Once she recovers, she will put all her effort into tracking down Drak. She knows this man will be able to lead her in the right direction. He may even still have her mother, but slavers always seek out whatever can make them the most money, and it's possible her mother has gone through several masters over the years. She could be halfway across the world by now.

As they ride through the gates, night still hovering over the city, Calliope can't help but glance at Prince Arthur. What will he tell his father? Will he reveal her true identity?

Ever since she shook him awake after leaving Sepharin, he hasn't spoken to her much. He finally knows every terrible truth including that she planned on killing him, at least for a time. He has to believe she would never go through with it; that things changed. Calliope can't read his vacant expression as she walks into the castle behind him with Merlin at her side.

The sorcerer shoves her arm lightly, drawing her attention, "He won't tell the King."

"And you know that how?" She mutters, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridors.

Through a quick breath, Merlin shrugs, "Arthur cares about you."

"That was before he knew I stayed in Camelot to kill him."

"But you didn't kill him," Merlin points out.

"I'm not sure that detail matters right now," her eyes stare into the back of his head as they turn a corner, a few steps away from the entrance to the Throne Room.

Merlin can't say that she's wrong. He just twiddles his thumbs nervously as the doors are pulled open, and hangs back by the entrance, hoping that when his friend comes back, she isn't being escorted out by guards to the dungeons below.

The blonde takes a deep breath as she walks inside, getting ready to face Uther, who stops pacing as soon as his eyes land on the pair. Relief floods his face as he strides up to his son, embracing him tightly. Calliope gathers that Arthur didn't give Uther a heads up about his little expedition.

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