𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞

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( NOTE: some aspects of the next two chapters diverge from canon )

Calliope swings her pack over her shoulder, two long daggers strapped to her back in a cross-cross pattern, her sword enclosed in its decorative sheath at her side

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Calliope swings her pack over her shoulder, two long daggers strapped to her back in a cross-cross pattern, her sword enclosed in its decorative sheath at her side.

Any onlooker might think she's throwing herself into battle. Adorned in midnight-colored leather, she looks like a horseman of death. Her platinum hair contrasts the darkness surrounding her as the wavy locks stay out of her face in braided patterns that come together in a ponytail.

Ever since Morgana's "kidnapping" by the Druids two weeks ago, Uther has increased her security ten fold. One of which is Calliope being decked out in her most dangerous weapons, looking as if one glance alone could slice through skin. The tactic keeps many people from raising their eyes to meet her own, and the King hopes it might discourage bandits from daring an attack on their way to visit Morgana's father's grave. The trip will take less than a day, and a few other guards are coming along as an extra precaution.

Gwen is there as Morgana's emotional support because comforting people has never been one of Calliope's strengths.

As she tightens her fingerless gloves, Calliope hears the King's ward descending the steps, where her saddled horse awaits. When Prince Arthur appears to help Morgana onto her horse, the blonde can't help but think of their encounter two weeks ago. Him in her room, his hands on her waist, pushing her back onto the bed...Calliope chews on her bottom lip as she tries to blink away the memories. To forget that's he's still engaged to Victoria, and this, whatever they're doing, can only end one way.

During their night together, she was tempted to give into all her desires, but the Prince did not stay in her room. He left before sunrise, leaving the ghosts of his touch on her skin and the taste of his lips lingering on her own. Heated kisses are one thing, but sleeping with him...that isn't something Calliope thinks she can do right now, not with everything else going on around them. 

She doesn't want to give herself completely to Arthur because though the physical stuff between them seems easy, there is so much underneath she's not ready to face.

"I hope your trip isn't too upsetting," the Prince says, looking to Morgana as Calliope hoists herself into the saddle of her horse.

"Thank you Arthur," Morgana replies.

As Calliope grabs the reins, Arthur looks to her and the other guards, "Ensure you return to Camelot before dusk."

"I'll look after them," Calliope answers, nodding to Gwen and Morgana, and then, she meets his blue stare. "I promise."

The Prince's face gives away that he has more he wants to say, but he simply steps back, and Calliope lightly kicks the sides of her horse, stealing a glance at him over her shoulder before they exit the courtyard.

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